Wednesday, 27 June 2007

Work Experience, Mentoring and lessons to learn

Recently, as I arrived at a Dawn PT session on a rainy, cold and very early morning I met my two work experience students who would be with me for the rest of the week. Rhi and Kara, their application to do work experience within my outdoor business was a pleasant surprise, one because I'm always happy when people take such an interest in health and fitness (even if it's just their own) obesity is a major problem now for people of all ages and applied knowledge is an empowering thing and two because they chose to do it at a time of year when people need to be dragged out from under their doonas, grumbling something about the cold.

Their classmates called them crazy (an endearing term that I seem to hear a lot) but they went ahead and did it anyway. It took them all of just a few minutes to get settled as they joined in the session and began with various body weight calisthenics to warm up on a halflit park in the great outdoors, from the very first activity we challenged their strength, endurance and cardio fitness after an hour they knew they had done a workout!

The girls rose to the challenge and worked the best they could on the day (as they did each and every activity I I gave them), the came into their time with me wanting to learn and do as much as possible so they could truly reap the benefits.

Age does not always bring wisdom that is a fact and I wish that everyone had the same ethic (especially when it comes to health and fitness).

Think about this for a second have you ever felt really unfit and unhealthy, not necessarily overweight just genuinely uncomfortable in your own skin. Now realising this have you signed up for a fitness class, Personal Trainer or just gone out on your own to do some quality exercise.

Whatever format of exercise you chose doesn't really matter, you have selected it for one main reason RESULTS! You want them, you need them you can't wait to have them but hang on you're getting puffed, you're hot, you're sweating, your body feels tired, it's cold or wet outside, all of a sudden your resolve starts to waver and then you , decide to either take it easy, cut your workout in half etc. This lack of intensity and drive, means you don't work to your potential and subsequently don't achieve your maximum results. Simple as that and the cycle continues.

Go out each day and honestly do the best you can, results will follow.

Be Unstoppable

Thursday, 21 June 2007

Whats in my food, FREE Resource

My constant quest to get the very best of knowledge in the health and fitness world to the general public sees me spending a lot of time on the net trawling through the masses of information out there so you don't have to.

Here is a great one that will tell you exactly whats in your food and a guideline on how long it will take to "burn it off" .

With this tool you can:
Check the ingredients in thousands of different foods.
Type in generic (eg chocolate) or brand names
Find out about specific ingredients (like calcium or iron)
Check the kilojoules content of different foods.
Manage health conditions (for example you can calculate the amount of carbohydrates in your diet if you have diabetes).

Check how far you have to walk to burn up the food you eat
This tool will also give you an indication of how far you need to walk to burn up the energy in each food. This is an estimate based on a 65kg person and will vary with each person’s weight.

Food Search.

Just remember folks that if you are training for general health and fitness benefits in this crazy world, you do not have to obsess about everything you consume. You just have to be informed about your choices, use a bit of common sense and remember it needs to fit in to your lifestyle.

Have a great day!


Tuesday, 19 June 2007

Is Life A Race?

Hi Folks,

I'm going to ask you a question answer it as honestly as you can, What have you done lately to challenge yourself? If you aswered "no" answer me this do you challenge yourself regularly? If you answered "no" again or are curious to see where i'm going with this read on friend.

On the weekend my Original Bootcamp Recruits, my support Instructor and I took part in the "Run to The G" (in
Melbourne) Fun run we had recruits in both the 10km and Half marathon (21.1km events) these were not super athletes or crazy people just everyday people who wanted to challenge themselves to complete an event they had never attempted before.

They trained hard and they rose to the challenge in a big way, and I was proud to see them succeed by completing the event

After the run I went to get a well deserved Free Massage from the Therapists on Site (Great way to aid recovery after a long run), then went down to watch the 10kay runners come in. What I saw was very rewarding. Kids, Adults and Older People of all shapes, sizes and abilities all doing their very best to finish their own respective challenge. You could see the determination in their eyes as they headed towards that final marker.

Were they racing against others? the ones I talked to were only in competition with themselves. Having set themselves a goal of completing the run was a true test of their mental and physical endurance.

It truly made my day to see so many people taking on the 10kays and giving it their all, some of them sprinted along that final straight, others only had a jog left, others were supported by their friends as they pushed themselves across the line.

Did they do it to beat someone else, to keep up with "the Joneses' or did they do it for their own feelings of satisfaction, pride and elation (and yes exhaustion), you could tell that they were all proud of their own achievments and why not , they earned it.

So is life a race? Should it be lived in constant competition to beat the other guy, or should you just take on the challenges and overcome them for your own personal gains, knowledge and improvement. You tell me..

"Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful."
Joshua J. Marine

Kind Regards



Tuesday, 12 June 2007

Achieve Constant: Forward Motion, Power and Growth

Now that the Juggernaut Logo is up on the good ol' internet I thought I would let you all know what is behind the logo and this ever growing business I call JuggernautPT.

When talking to my graphic designer I gave him the concept behind my business (see "A Juggernaut defined" on the main website), I made it abundantly clear that I wanted the logo to represent the same ideal as it was not intended just to be a eye catching branding, it was an image that would remind people that they have the capability and power to achieve their goals, inspire them to action and to push the boundaries of their world.

So here it is: The circle represents constant forward motion in life. The flames represent constant power and growth. "The J-man inside the circle represents whats inside all of us the little guy that wants nothing but the best.

Think about this for a second, do you pick yourself up after getting knocked down, dust off those fears, insecurities and perceived baggage and push on. Or do you believe the negatives take all those "hits" and keep them with you forever more so much so that eventually you can no longer move, (for a visual picture the mac computer ad with the "Beachball PC" who can no longer walk because he carries so much with him.) (This is not a pro mac message just a easy visual courtesy of tv land).

Think about when you day dream of your life as it should be, do you imagine something special for yourself or do you picture something plain that doesn't excite you at all? why just wish for it, why not empower yourself to take action and achieve it!

You have the power to live whatever life you want. But nothing will happen if you procrastinate or simply "Wish".

Its time to step out of your comfort zone and MOVE YOUR BUTT to do something great!

For an example of inspiring project check out cut and paste the link to your browser. Another example is our upcoming HELLweek program (check out the main site and calendar).

Remember you can do something truly great for you and yours every single day, if you do you might be surprised where those those little victories take you...

Extraordinary Training for Ordinary People

Gary Wagner

Monday, 11 June 2007

Holiday from Exercise? and THE SUPERPILL!

Today marks the Queens Birthday public holiday, a day which raised all sorts of questions in our morning session like: How old is the queen exactly? and does the queen send a letter to oneself when she turns 100? "My husband and I would like to congratulate one on reaching oneselfs Centenary Celebrations etc etc

For me it raised the question how many people out there are taking a holiday from exercise! Why is it considered by so many a job or a task that when it hits a public holiday or even when we're on our annual leave that one of the first things to be shed are any form of exercise..

Now I'm not saying that everyone needs to be out there with our recruits training at 6am on a rainy day interspersed with winds and more rain (as much as I love those sessions).

But I am always pleased to see people out exercising on public holidays/cold rainy days because I cannot doubt those peoples commitment to movement and thus their commitment to improving their wellbeing.


If I was selling exercise as a pill and I listed the benefits as: fat loss, improved immunity, increased lean muscle, increased energy, enhances sexual performance, increase flexibility, aids in injury prevention, helps protect against heart disease, type II diabetes, Cancer. Increases coordination, mental performance, relieves stress. Improves self confidence and sporting ability. Who wouldn't want to buy it?! Who wouldn't want to take it every single day of their life to keep reaping the benefits! Then why oh why do people only decide to exercise when they are feeling fat and flabby or in worse cases when their doctor tells them they need to take immediate physical action otherwise they will develop something terminal.

the benefits of being active everyday are cumulative, with the positive effects building for every consecutive day of activity you perform. Now this does not mean you should go out every day for a 20 kay run! It means you should allow your body to undertake a wide range of activity, your weekly activities should encompass the following areas (in no particular order): strength, cardio, flexibility, enjoyment and social, meditative/internal energy (more on this in a future post) and recovery/gentle exercise sessions.

There is no "Off Season" in life, your body does not cease to need daily movement in the colder months it still requires to be used and challenged to progress otherwise it will surely degenerate bit by bit.

Before I leave you there are Three things I want you to consider (Three things I always stongly oppose people saying); 1 I'm too old to exercise. 2: I need to lose weight before I can start exercising 3: I used to be really active but can't exercise at all because of such and such injury, virus, disease. As always you are welcome to let me know your thoughts and comments

Be a juggernaut, be Unstoppable!

Gary W

Wednesday, 6 June 2007

Why I do what I do Part 2

As promised here is the response from Recruit T. I thought it important that everyone realise that some of the most inspiring people I know are just 'ordinary' people. They are why I do what I do so well, because I get them to their goals and because they continue to inspire me to the best there is.

*Recruit T has given permission to reporduce this content*

Hi Gary aka Sarge

I cant thank you enough for your inspiring words and more importantly your support in the past. I have thoroughly enjoyed the program so far and am determined to lose the weight and become fitter and am prepared to see this through in order to return to my former self once again, both physically and mentally.

I have thought long and hard about what I would like to achieve in this boot camp program so that I can get your assistance and have come to the following:

1. I want to lose 20kg - 25kg - within 4 to 6 months

2. I want to become fit and healthy - I recently went away with my partner and I struggled to climb up a mountain to a scenic route and was so ashamed of myself as he held my hand and helped me up the mountain.

3. As a child I was never very athletic and was often coming last in runs (no surprise there :) hahaha) so to overcome that I would not participate in the sports days and programs because I felt embarrassed and defeated before I even began. I remember I was in a race in grade four and stopped in the middle of the race after realising I wasn’t going to win because I was so embarassed of how far behind I was. How pathetic!!!! Anyway since then I have always had this fear of failing and wont try in fear that I will "lose the race" so to speak. Realising that I was predisposed to weight gain I then used other forms to keep my weight off such as daily laxatives and extreme dieting. After twelve years of this life style I stopped because it was having an adverse impact on my health as you can imagine. Now I am facing one of my greatest challenges that I would like to work with you on and that is I want to overcome my fear of failure, which surprisingly has not manifest itself in my professional career just my personal life. I would like your assistance in overcoming my life long fear and inhibition that prevents me from trying to become fitter and faster and keep the weight off naturally. I also need to stop worrying about what others think and focus on myself and realise I am doing this for me and we all need to start somewhere ... Deep huh?

4. My mum weighs 120 kg and is battling cancer which is obviously not helped by the fact that she is obese and I don’t want that future for myself so I want to learn to incorporate the learning's from this program into my life for years to come.

Anyway - that is my ambition and I wonder if you might be able to assist me with at least the first 2 :)

Thank you again Sarge - you are a kind and good hearted man and I can see the happiness in your eyes when you see recruits trying and enjoying themselves and trust me that makes the world of difference when you are on the receiving end of that

With kindest regards

Inspiring People: Why I do what I do..

Hi faithful blog readers, I recently took on a new recruit lets call Recruit T. Recruit T is a newcomer to the field of exercise however I could see in her the burning desire to succeed in her making positive lifestyle changes. so I sent her an email which read;
*Please note Recruit T has given her permission for this content to be reproduced*

I just wanted to say that I am pleased with how you've worked in the
first two sessions, I know that Bootcamp is a true challenge however
the Corporal and myself are there to help you work Smart and Hard and
get you results! Keep it up and your perseverance will pay off.

Thought I'd share these little story/s with you

I saw the movie 300 recently and as my regular recruits will know
the Battle of Thermopylae (on which the movie was loosely based) is
one of my favourite inspirational stories. Basically when the Spartan
King was faced with an invading force that threatened his country,
politics and religion prohibited him from mobilising his own army
(still tiny in comparison) so with a force of just 300 he set off to
defend his country against the invading hordes of at least 250, 000!
That one battle was pivotal in the war against the persians and
ensured the defenders would eventually claim victory. The Spartan King
Leonidas did this because he had faith in himself and those warriors
in the platoon around him no matter what the nay-sayers said.

The moral: When you tell people that you want to make a positive
change (not restricted to fitness programs), too often they will offer
various negative opinions. These people could be co-workers, friends
and even family, be polite say thanks then go and make the decision
that you know is the right choice for you. Because when they see that
you followed through, worked smart, hard and persevered and are now
getting the results you envisioned they will admire you for it (even
if they don't admit it publicly).

Extra Bit: Sara Jane one of my current recruits has done it tough from
the get go starting at 130kgs with joint pains she couldn't jog the
1km run in the BFA, however she has continued with us and so far has
lost 30kgs! She always pushed no matter the challenge and never found
a supportive instructor (or recruit) far away. I am truly proud of her
as I am all my recruits and I look forward to helping her surpass her next goal.

Ramesh sydney recruit, a music producer lost over 50kgs, again he
started off as the least conditioned recruit, however the work ethic
and passion for improving was always there. He now is in one of the fittest
groups at the Sydney programs.

Keep an eye on the next post for Recruit T's response....

Monday, 4 June 2007

Juggernaut Website Grand Launch!

The Grand day has arrived and at a lavish ceremony the BRAND NEW JuggernautPT Website was launched, all went well (except for the Champagne Ceremony which didn't agree so much with my computer heheh).

This website has been a long time in planning and as I strived to make it both user friendly and informative. I would love to hear your feedback!

Anway folks lets kick off with a post based around one word: "Perseverance". The definition of which is steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.

When you initiate a major positive lifestyle change in your life for ease of conversation lets stick to a fitness program, (but could easily apply to dropping of a negative habit or a financial or work project). There will always be difficulties, obstacles that pop out of seemingly nowhere whose only real purpose is to frustrate you and stimie your progress.

For a fitness program this could be injury/illness, time or budget constraints, or even certain people in your life can act as blocks (whther it is intentional or not is a different conversation). This seems especially so when you are just commencing or recommencing a structured program, so if you have just been inspired to get into shape I have two words for you "do it!"

"DO IT!" it's a simple as that because I tell you now there will never be an ideal time, there will always be bills, family, work and social commtiments. Unexpected events that just want to knock you on your butt before you even get started, but the secret to your victory is to persevere to keep chasing your goals, work smart, work hard and you will achieve so much more than you ever would if you twiddled your thumbs and put it off to a quiet period or when it'll be a bit easier.

Now fitness programs are wonderful things because you really can break down a lot of those barriers quite easily. Some examples are: Time: Spare ten minutes (or even less) a day for planned exercise and you can improve your fitness, strength, flexibility and general health. Budget: Exercise and Movement is FREE people! When you want to get fit you do not have to join a gym or other organisation. Yes professionals like myself can expedite the process by guiding, inspiring and pushing you through to your goals but you will still need to move when we are not there. Social: Get your friends/family together do something fun and do something active, open your mind to new ideas and experiences. Enter in a community event or organise an event of your own it is a great way to mix with those closest to you and to meet future friends as well.

Persevere, and despite all setbacks you will essentially be unstoppable!

Kind Regards


P.S For those of you in the Melbourne region (elsewhere in Australia? visit our Original Bootcamp programs offers the following solutions: They are time effective (high intensity training tailored to your current conditioning level whether it be couch potato or elite athlete), cost effective (Recruits pay less than $19 a session and get FREE Bonuses as well), social our recruits have made great friends during our programs (they help and encourage each other through the sessions) and the Recruits are always keen to enter in Community events for new challenges and fun experiences!

Group Training not for you or want to train in a small group, go to our main site and see how our range of training services can benefit you!