Monday, 4 June 2007

Juggernaut Website Grand Launch!

The Grand day has arrived and at a lavish ceremony the BRAND NEW JuggernautPT Website was launched, all went well (except for the Champagne Ceremony which didn't agree so much with my computer heheh).

This website has been a long time in planning and as I strived to make it both user friendly and informative. I would love to hear your feedback!

Anway folks lets kick off with a post based around one word: "Perseverance". The definition of which is steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.

When you initiate a major positive lifestyle change in your life for ease of conversation lets stick to a fitness program, (but could easily apply to dropping of a negative habit or a financial or work project). There will always be difficulties, obstacles that pop out of seemingly nowhere whose only real purpose is to frustrate you and stimie your progress.

For a fitness program this could be injury/illness, time or budget constraints, or even certain people in your life can act as blocks (whther it is intentional or not is a different conversation). This seems especially so when you are just commencing or recommencing a structured program, so if you have just been inspired to get into shape I have two words for you "do it!"

"DO IT!" it's a simple as that because I tell you now there will never be an ideal time, there will always be bills, family, work and social commtiments. Unexpected events that just want to knock you on your butt before you even get started, but the secret to your victory is to persevere to keep chasing your goals, work smart, work hard and you will achieve so much more than you ever would if you twiddled your thumbs and put it off to a quiet period or when it'll be a bit easier.

Now fitness programs are wonderful things because you really can break down a lot of those barriers quite easily. Some examples are: Time: Spare ten minutes (or even less) a day for planned exercise and you can improve your fitness, strength, flexibility and general health. Budget: Exercise and Movement is FREE people! When you want to get fit you do not have to join a gym or other organisation. Yes professionals like myself can expedite the process by guiding, inspiring and pushing you through to your goals but you will still need to move when we are not there. Social: Get your friends/family together do something fun and do something active, open your mind to new ideas and experiences. Enter in a community event or organise an event of your own it is a great way to mix with those closest to you and to meet future friends as well.

Persevere, and despite all setbacks you will essentially be unstoppable!

Kind Regards


P.S For those of you in the Melbourne region (elsewhere in Australia? visit our Original Bootcamp programs offers the following solutions: They are time effective (high intensity training tailored to your current conditioning level whether it be couch potato or elite athlete), cost effective (Recruits pay less than $19 a session and get FREE Bonuses as well), social our recruits have made great friends during our programs (they help and encourage each other through the sessions) and the Recruits are always keen to enter in Community events for new challenges and fun experiences!

Group Training not for you or want to train in a small group, go to our main site and see how our range of training services can benefit you!

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