Monday, 11 June 2007

Holiday from Exercise? and THE SUPERPILL!

Today marks the Queens Birthday public holiday, a day which raised all sorts of questions in our morning session like: How old is the queen exactly? and does the queen send a letter to oneself when she turns 100? "My husband and I would like to congratulate one on reaching oneselfs Centenary Celebrations etc etc

For me it raised the question how many people out there are taking a holiday from exercise! Why is it considered by so many a job or a task that when it hits a public holiday or even when we're on our annual leave that one of the first things to be shed are any form of exercise..

Now I'm not saying that everyone needs to be out there with our recruits training at 6am on a rainy day interspersed with winds and more rain (as much as I love those sessions).

But I am always pleased to see people out exercising on public holidays/cold rainy days because I cannot doubt those peoples commitment to movement and thus their commitment to improving their wellbeing.


If I was selling exercise as a pill and I listed the benefits as: fat loss, improved immunity, increased lean muscle, increased energy, enhances sexual performance, increase flexibility, aids in injury prevention, helps protect against heart disease, type II diabetes, Cancer. Increases coordination, mental performance, relieves stress. Improves self confidence and sporting ability. Who wouldn't want to buy it?! Who wouldn't want to take it every single day of their life to keep reaping the benefits! Then why oh why do people only decide to exercise when they are feeling fat and flabby or in worse cases when their doctor tells them they need to take immediate physical action otherwise they will develop something terminal.

the benefits of being active everyday are cumulative, with the positive effects building for every consecutive day of activity you perform. Now this does not mean you should go out every day for a 20 kay run! It means you should allow your body to undertake a wide range of activity, your weekly activities should encompass the following areas (in no particular order): strength, cardio, flexibility, enjoyment and social, meditative/internal energy (more on this in a future post) and recovery/gentle exercise sessions.

There is no "Off Season" in life, your body does not cease to need daily movement in the colder months it still requires to be used and challenged to progress otherwise it will surely degenerate bit by bit.

Before I leave you there are Three things I want you to consider (Three things I always stongly oppose people saying); 1 I'm too old to exercise. 2: I need to lose weight before I can start exercising 3: I used to be really active but can't exercise at all because of such and such injury, virus, disease. As always you are welcome to let me know your thoughts and comments

Be a juggernaut, be Unstoppable!

Gary W

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