Monday, 17 March 2008

Read This: Confessions of an all-night runner

Run when you can, walk when you have to, crawl if you must, just never give up - Dean Karnazes

A big thanks goes out to one of my recruits (onya Nitro!) for putting me on to this book and this amazing individual who has used his drive to push his body, mind and heart to it's very limits, and in the process has helped children in need, inspired countless others to strive to achieve their very best.

What is an ultramarathon? Anything over the standard distance of 42 kms

Some of Dean's run include:

50 marathons in 50 states in 50 days

217 km run across Death Valley in nearly 49 degree temperature

Was the first person to run a marathon at the South Pole in negative 40 degrees

and perhaps his most infamous achievement a Run around the World, Naked! (Read the book to find out the story on this one)

These are just a few of his sporting achievements but do yourself a favour check out his website

and buy his book, it is an amazing read and is an inspiration to all of uys to get up, get out and move!


Wednesday, 5 March 2008

Express Testimonial

Hi All!

Just wanted to share with you an email I got from Tracy, a Lunchtime Bootcamper in our Melb CBD program.

Train Hard, Stay Strong , Be Unstoppable!


Hi Gary
Just wanted to THANK YOU so much for the fabulous job you guys do at the Lunch Xpress Bootcamp session. When I first started 4 months ago I was so scared, nervous and the only exercise I was doing was the occasional run for the train! Now my fitness and figure has change immensely and I love every little bit of exercise I do and try plan everything around my twice weekly lunch sessions!

I have family commitments so it's sometimes hard for me to exercise after work and the lunch session is great as it gives me a rest from being chained to the desk and stops that afternoon slump!

Your advice, support and encouragement are to be commended!

My name is Tracy and I am a Bootcamp-aholic


Tracy Cook