Wednesday, 5 March 2008

Express Testimonial

Hi All!

Just wanted to share with you an email I got from Tracy, a Lunchtime Bootcamper in our Melb CBD program.

Train Hard, Stay Strong , Be Unstoppable!


Hi Gary
Just wanted to THANK YOU so much for the fabulous job you guys do at the Lunch Xpress Bootcamp session. When I first started 4 months ago I was so scared, nervous and the only exercise I was doing was the occasional run for the train! Now my fitness and figure has change immensely and I love every little bit of exercise I do and try plan everything around my twice weekly lunch sessions!

I have family commitments so it's sometimes hard for me to exercise after work and the lunch session is great as it gives me a rest from being chained to the desk and stops that afternoon slump!

Your advice, support and encouragement are to be commended!

My name is Tracy and I am a Bootcamp-aholic


Tracy Cook

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