Monday, 13 August 2007

Feedback from BOPE & a couple more pics

"Anth and Pete on a very brief rest as they saw the remainder of Heartbreak Hill that awaited them, their packs, equipment and 15metre rope!"

I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to abseil and I over-came my fears and did it - loved it and did it again. The day was physically demanding, which was exactly what I was looking for – I’d be up for more of this. Anth

Friday, 10 August 2007

Recruits hit the 6 month mark!

Heres just a couple of our great Original Bootcamp recruits who have just hit the 6 month mark! Jason and Laura have continuously trained their way right through the dead of winter, the cold and dark mornings, the frost and rain!

Why did they do it, how did they get through those mornings.
This is both why and how. Because they get more use out of the money they invest because they turn up to their sessions, they work hard, they have fun, they are challenged, they enjoy working with their fellow recruits and the unique and highly effective workouts and last but not least . We DO NOT treat our recruits like a number, we do our very best to help them achieve their goals and constantly set new ones.

This is also why they have used our program as a replacement for their traditional gym membership, and as their Staff Sergeant I couldn't be happier to have them in our ranks!

Keep an eye out as I plan to feature more of our fantastic recruits (just as soon as I can sneak a snap of them :)

P.S Here is a testimonial from Jase.

"Gary is one of the most motivating individuals I have ever seen. He consistantly pushes me to work harder when attending Boot Camp. I have achieved results that I would never have thought possible and I have Gary to thank for that."

Training Year first hired: 2007 (Return Recruit) Top Qualities: Great Results, Personable, High Integrity

Jason L. Accountant

Wednesday, 8 August 2007


Testimonial - Recently published in the HOOYAH! National Newsletter.

"I have recently finished the Bootcamp in Melbourne, under the instruction of Gary Wagner (Sarge).
I would like to pass on my recommendations and feedback regarding the recently completed Bootcamp, firstly Original bootcamp is one of the best things I have been involved with. I have competed in sport and fitness for many years, rowing, triathlons, kayaking, rugby and gym. I have enjoyed this training more than any other training I have been involved in.

Often it is difficult to become motivated to train and I have seen over the years many people get involved in a program and then decide to drop out for one or another reason, I personally believe this is due to the trainer or coach. On the first evening of Bootcamp I looked around and saw a number of people I thought would have given the program the flick after a week, however I was pleasantly surprised. Gary’s energy and motivation towards our platoon was infectious and ensured each and everyone of us gave 110%, I think I can speak for the whole platoon when I say, we were keen and eager about coming to each training session looking forward to what was in store.

The Bootcamp was great and I have signed up again as many of the others recruits have, I would like to pass on my thanks to all involved with the Original Bootcamp program and especially to Gary for his leadership and motivation towards all of us. I would recommend the Original Bootcamp to anyone!


Renton Carlyle-Taylor, Melbourne, VIC

Sunday, 5 August 2007

Barrier Day

Well another Weekend has passed, what did you get up to? Even if you enjoy your job and love your work, everyone looks forward to the weekend, so please tell me that you didn't huddle inside and lay on the couch watching tele all weekend again.

Sure it was restful but was it satisfying, did you feel great afterwards or did you still feel tired.

What did we do? well I joined forces with mates from two other Bootcamps and gave our collective recruits a day that challenged them physically and mentally, gave them a sense of achievement, pride and some great stories to tell over the office water cooler! (plus they got a great T-Shirt to show off at their Bootcamp sessions:)

All recruits dug deep, worked hard as a team and made it through the day, despite their pre-session nerves and I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all recruits who took part. They worked hard and from all reports had a ball! I'll be adding more photos from the day to the website soon!

So what is BOPE?

Inspired by Brazil’s elite BOPE (Batalhão de Operações Policiais Especiais) or Special Police Operations Battalion, the B.O.P.E. Barrier Test is a unique opportunity for you to test your true mettle. It will give you an insight into what it takes to be selected for training as part of one of the world’s hardest working, and most respected Police Special Operations units. You will be pushed both physically and mentally, and challenged to overcome emotional barriers. This challenge is guaranteed bring out the best in you.

The B.O.P.E. Barrier Test is a full day of demanding challenges. You will be required to complete tasks based on the real life skill set of this most elite Military Police unit, such as rappelling, navigation, and mental strength.

Only open to recruits from our Corps Training Sessions, look for not only our next BOPE Barrier Day but other special events that help set us apart from the the crowd!


"Staff Sergeant' Wagner

Sarge Gets a Promotion!

Gday all,

In recognition of my continued dedication to providing the very best in Original Bootcamp Fitness Programs, I was recently awarded a promotion to 'Staff Sergeant' by the Bootcamp Fitness Network.

It truly is an honour to be among the first Certified Bootcamp instructors in Australia to be awarded this rank and one of only 3 Nationwide and to be recognised again for my high proficiency, dedication and continuous drive to provide highly effective fitness programs for my recruits and the continued development of my fellow Bootcamp Instructors. (The first was when only a few months ago I was awarded Bootcamp Lead Instructor of the Year).

I would also like to congratulate the other two Instructors who achieved the rank of 'Staff Sergeant' both of whom I respect Immensely David 'Stoxy' Stocks who operates in the Victorian Bayside Area and Rob Coads who is based in the Adelaide CBD, Henley Beach and Golden Grove Areas.

A sincere and Heartfelt thank you to all my Friends, Family and Recruits for helping me continue to realise my dream, wait until you see what I get up to next!


'Staff Sergeant' Wagner

Run to the G! Photo of 'Staff Sergeant Wagner

The Melbourne Run to the G was recently completed by our Original Bootcamp recruits accompanied by myself on the half marathon and my Instructor Bart Hand on the 10 km event.

As I realise that one of the elements missing from my current website is my photo I deceided to show you all a pic of me as I run the course.

FYI: Our recruits did very well! Some set new Personal Bests for time and for Distance and all completed their chosen events!

Till Next Time
