Friday, 10 August 2007

Recruits hit the 6 month mark!

Heres just a couple of our great Original Bootcamp recruits who have just hit the 6 month mark! Jason and Laura have continuously trained their way right through the dead of winter, the cold and dark mornings, the frost and rain!

Why did they do it, how did they get through those mornings.
This is both why and how. Because they get more use out of the money they invest because they turn up to their sessions, they work hard, they have fun, they are challenged, they enjoy working with their fellow recruits and the unique and highly effective workouts and last but not least . We DO NOT treat our recruits like a number, we do our very best to help them achieve their goals and constantly set new ones.

This is also why they have used our program as a replacement for their traditional gym membership, and as their Staff Sergeant I couldn't be happier to have them in our ranks!

Keep an eye out as I plan to feature more of our fantastic recruits (just as soon as I can sneak a snap of them :)

P.S Here is a testimonial from Jase.

"Gary is one of the most motivating individuals I have ever seen. He consistantly pushes me to work harder when attending Boot Camp. I have achieved results that I would never have thought possible and I have Gary to thank for that."

Training Year first hired: 2007 (Return Recruit) Top Qualities: Great Results, Personable, High Integrity

Jason L. Accountant

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YAY! well done Laura & Jason - you're putting the rest of us to shame.
:o) Bels