Sunday, 5 August 2007

Barrier Day

Well another Weekend has passed, what did you get up to? Even if you enjoy your job and love your work, everyone looks forward to the weekend, so please tell me that you didn't huddle inside and lay on the couch watching tele all weekend again.

Sure it was restful but was it satisfying, did you feel great afterwards or did you still feel tired.

What did we do? well I joined forces with mates from two other Bootcamps and gave our collective recruits a day that challenged them physically and mentally, gave them a sense of achievement, pride and some great stories to tell over the office water cooler! (plus they got a great T-Shirt to show off at their Bootcamp sessions:)

All recruits dug deep, worked hard as a team and made it through the day, despite their pre-session nerves and I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all recruits who took part. They worked hard and from all reports had a ball! I'll be adding more photos from the day to the website soon!

So what is BOPE?

Inspired by Brazil’s elite BOPE (Batalhão de Operações Policiais Especiais) or Special Police Operations Battalion, the B.O.P.E. Barrier Test is a unique opportunity for you to test your true mettle. It will give you an insight into what it takes to be selected for training as part of one of the world’s hardest working, and most respected Police Special Operations units. You will be pushed both physically and mentally, and challenged to overcome emotional barriers. This challenge is guaranteed bring out the best in you.

The B.O.P.E. Barrier Test is a full day of demanding challenges. You will be required to complete tasks based on the real life skill set of this most elite Military Police unit, such as rappelling, navigation, and mental strength.

Only open to recruits from our Corps Training Sessions, look for not only our next BOPE Barrier Day but other special events that help set us apart from the the crowd!


"Staff Sergeant' Wagner

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