Monday, 21 July 2008

Headlines highlight the danger of the bade

The need for normal people to be able to defend against violent attacks involving bladed weapons has never been greater.

Monday morning in Melbourne and there are 2 stories involving stabbings that resulted in 2 people going to hospital and one losing his life due to his wounds.

The knife is a dangerous weapon that can quickly cause fatal harm, it can happen in a nightclub, it can happen in a boarding house, it can happen anywhere.

In Britain 21 people have died in the last year as a result of knife related incidents, there teenagers and people in their early twenties are carrying weapons because they are scared of being attacked and arming themselves.

What people there and here fail to realise is that the production  of a hidden weapon will escalate a situation very very quickly and can turn a argument into a much more dangerous situation.

It is also a derivative of peoples fear of being attacked that they attempt to become more threatning themselves by carrying a weapon as a fashion accessory (hard to believe but true).

If you carry a weapon to protect yourself, take a long hard look at yourself and think to yourself does this piece of steel really protect me? It does not, it has the potential to be turned against you and it has the very real potential of turning you into the criminal instead of the victim.

Instead to arm yourself with the best defense of all, proper training will teach you how to de-escalate a situation whenever possible so it need not turn violent (a bruised ego is not validation for a street fight), how to safely dis-engage ffrom a situation and how to defend yourself when violently attacked (no matter by who, how many or what they are armed with).

It will restore your feeling of safety, provide confidence in your ability and give you tools to deal with a situation that hopefully you will never have to encounter but unfortunately most likely will.

Commando Krav Maga is such a system, it is a responsible and ethical system designed for civillians and the real world you live in.

We run classes in melbourne every saturday, do yourself a favour and come down for a Free Trial session, you have nothing to lose and you may just learn enough in one session to  save your life!

Train Right, Be Unstoppable, Stay Safe.


Note: This Saturdays (26/07/08) regular class will not be held as we are holding a CKM Self Defense Workshop, suitable for all people of all levels (including absolute beginners), with 5 Top Instructors including myself  taking the session.

This is the perfect opportunity for you to start arming yourself with the best knowledge & techniques available


TWO women have been arrested after a violent brawl which broke out in a Melbourne nightclub early today put two people in hospital.

View Original Article

BRITAIN is struggling to get to grips with a surge of fatal knife attacks, which analysts say reflects a growing sense of insecurity on the country's streets.

View Original Article

A 25-YEAR-old man has been charged with murder over a stabbing death in Melbourne.

Reservoir man James Evans was arrested at about 8pm (AEST) yesterday near where the stabbing occurred, after police initially thought he may have been travelling interstate.

Ambulance officers were called to a boarding house in Reservoir at 3pm on Saturday and found a man with stab wounds, Ambulance Victoria spokesman Ray Rowe said.

Police performed CPR on the 37-year-old man but he could not be revived.

Wednesday, 16 July 2008

Hooked on Junk Food? Try watching TV tonight while you eat it

Hi Folks,

At juggernautPT we don't require or expect you to live and eat like a saint (unless your absolute goal is training for a goal that requires it), we believe that life has many pleasures including food and the occasional drink and these are there to be enjoyed.

It is even acceptable to have the occasional indulgence of Junk Food (you know deep fried,high fat, somehow completely cooked and assembled in less than a minute and of questionable sources), as long as it is a sometimes food (Thanks Elmo).

However if you step anything above one of these meals a week, sit yourself down and watch "eat to save your life" tonight (Melbourne, Channel 10 9:30pm)

After the show feel free to post your comments on the show here

Train Hard, Stay Strong, Be Unstoppable!


Tuesday, 15 July 2008

Lacking Winter Motivation

Struggling to stay active Hazards of the Winter Blues

We are now past the shortest and the coldest (hopefully) days of the year and are well on our way to spring (can't wait!). However with the colder, darker days and evenings seemingly compelling people to spend even more time indoors, this season is the toughest for maintaining a healthy lifestyle (especially if you feel like you are doing it by yourself!).

Many enquiries we are currently receiving into our PT & Original Bootcamp programs are compelled by a lack of motivation, boredom or dissatisfaction with their current exercise program. If you're like a lot of people you'll have noticed mood changes because of the season and disruptions to your active lifestyle due to the colder months.

However if you let it, disliking winter can be much more than simply missing warm weather and summer activities. People sleep more, eat more and usually crave carbohydrates which leads to weight gain. If Inactive you'll have a lot less energy to do things outside the bare minimum.

If over the last few years you have been severely affected by the colder months beyond what is described above, you may want to know about Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

SAD is a depressive illness that has a seasonal pattern. It's characterised by mood disturbances that begin in winter and subside when the season ends. It's usually diagnosed after the person has had the same symptoms during winter for a couple of years in a row.

With SAD, the depression symptoms are more about 'slowing down'. Winter can become a severely debilitating and isolating time for many as they try to manage symptoms.

The behaviour associated with Seasonal Affective Disorder is quite different from the standard Winter Blues, it has a cluster of symptoms that makes the person look and feel like they are going into 'hibernation'.

The cause of the disorder is believed to be a lack of exposure to light. The pineal gland, located in the middle of the brain responds to darkness by secreting melatonin which regulates daily biorhythms including the sleep/wake cycle. It's believed that when this is out of balance, SAD can occur.

It's even more important for people to get up in the morning and get some exposure to sunlight, ideally before 8am. Dawn and morning light is believed to be integral in regulating our biorhythms. Combining this with exercise is really important. If people feel this is not helping they should go to their doctor for more advice".

So get up early in the morning and go for that walk/ jog or bike ride OUTSIDE. If you feel like you need more assistance Original Bootcamp Dawn Programs are perfect as they combine early morning sunshine, physical exercise and surround you with positive like minded people who have the same goal in common. It'll be good for your mind and great for your body.

Tuesday, 8 July 2008

Don't be a Sickening Headline

Melbourne 7th July, another Sickening Headline in the News of violence in our streets, a 40 year old man is the victim of a gang bashing at the hands of a group of 10 - 15 gutless thugs, the full details of this unfortunate event has yet to come to light but enough is already known it was a case of 1 man (possibly intoxicated) versus at least 10 others . This is never fair, never right and never justified.

The victim suffered serious injuries from being punched, kicked and stomped these injuries meant he had to be put in an induced coma and again sparked public debate about CCTV, Security Personnel and the general safety of our streets and social venues.

Comments on various news sites have justifiably been angry, concerningly though some people have stated this is exactly why they carry weapons!

To rely on an external item for your safety is hazardous and irresponsible, a knife is not protection it is a weapon that if you lose control of can be used against you or someone innocent.

A weapon does not go hand in hand with responsible usage and can quickly escalate a situation to a terminal level that otherwise may have been avoided.

It is vital for everyday law abiding and responsible people to learn a from of self defense with reality based techniques and training.

One that is easily learnt and used in a pressure situation when the adrenalin is pumping, one that does not rely on size or strength and one that teaches responsible usage of the skills learnt.

NOTE: If you doubt this is possible think of how quickly various military forces around the world can quickly turn civilians into fighting machines proficient in unarmed combat in a matter of weeks.

Our Commando Krav Maga classes teach all of these aspects, using techniques and teaching methods that guarantee to improve your defensive capabilities, although it's origins are with elite units of the IDF (Israeili Defence Forces, hence the 'Commando') the civilian curriculum teaches many things including the following;

1st Defence: Leave there is no honour lost in avoiding a needless fight. Keeping a watchful eye out for further danger as you take yourself away from possible conflict

2nd Defence: De-escalate: If it does not compromise your wellbeing defuse the situation and talk it down. Never be the Aggressor!

3rd Defence" If physically attacked Engage the primary threat/s, stop the threat and quickly dis-engage keeping an eye out for further attacks.

Amongst Other components taught are

How to minimise your chances of tripping, by increasing your stability, awareness of the situation and method of movement.

Ground Survival, do you know how so many people in recent years have died as the results of a simple push which knocked them down causing a lethal injury? Know the correct way to fall, it could easily save your life.

If knocked down to the ground the maximum amount of time you have to get back your feet, if not you are at a much greater risk of being attacked.

Don't be naieve and think it will never happen to me , every day in auatralia, in Melbourne people of all sizes, sexes, ages, professions and races are attacked at work, at train stations, in the street, at pubs and in their own homes at any hour of the day. Ensure you are not one of them and invest in your safety

Train Right, Stay Strong, Be Unstoppable!


P.S Invest in your safety at our Intro to Self Defense Workshop Hurry as places are filling Fast!

Contact us now to enroll