Monday, 21 July 2008

Headlines highlight the danger of the bade

The need for normal people to be able to defend against violent attacks involving bladed weapons has never been greater.

Monday morning in Melbourne and there are 2 stories involving stabbings that resulted in 2 people going to hospital and one losing his life due to his wounds.

The knife is a dangerous weapon that can quickly cause fatal harm, it can happen in a nightclub, it can happen in a boarding house, it can happen anywhere.

In Britain 21 people have died in the last year as a result of knife related incidents, there teenagers and people in their early twenties are carrying weapons because they are scared of being attacked and arming themselves.

What people there and here fail to realise is that the production  of a hidden weapon will escalate a situation very very quickly and can turn a argument into a much more dangerous situation.

It is also a derivative of peoples fear of being attacked that they attempt to become more threatning themselves by carrying a weapon as a fashion accessory (hard to believe but true).

If you carry a weapon to protect yourself, take a long hard look at yourself and think to yourself does this piece of steel really protect me? It does not, it has the potential to be turned against you and it has the very real potential of turning you into the criminal instead of the victim.

Instead to arm yourself with the best defense of all, proper training will teach you how to de-escalate a situation whenever possible so it need not turn violent (a bruised ego is not validation for a street fight), how to safely dis-engage ffrom a situation and how to defend yourself when violently attacked (no matter by who, how many or what they are armed with).

It will restore your feeling of safety, provide confidence in your ability and give you tools to deal with a situation that hopefully you will never have to encounter but unfortunately most likely will.

Commando Krav Maga is such a system, it is a responsible and ethical system designed for civillians and the real world you live in.

We run classes in melbourne every saturday, do yourself a favour and come down for a Free Trial session, you have nothing to lose and you may just learn enough in one session to  save your life!

Train Right, Be Unstoppable, Stay Safe.


Note: This Saturdays (26/07/08) regular class will not be held as we are holding a CKM Self Defense Workshop, suitable for all people of all levels (including absolute beginners), with 5 Top Instructors including myself  taking the session.

This is the perfect opportunity for you to start arming yourself with the best knowledge & techniques available


TWO women have been arrested after a violent brawl which broke out in a Melbourne nightclub early today put two people in hospital.

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BRITAIN is struggling to get to grips with a surge of fatal knife attacks, which analysts say reflects a growing sense of insecurity on the country's streets.

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A 25-YEAR-old man has been charged with murder over a stabbing death in Melbourne.

Reservoir man James Evans was arrested at about 8pm (AEST) yesterday near where the stabbing occurred, after police initially thought he may have been travelling interstate.

Ambulance officers were called to a boarding house in Reservoir at 3pm on Saturday and found a man with stab wounds, Ambulance Victoria spokesman Ray Rowe said.

Police performed CPR on the 37-year-old man but he could not be revived.

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