Tuesday, 8 July 2008

Don't be a Sickening Headline

Melbourne 7th July, another Sickening Headline in the News of violence in our streets, a 40 year old man is the victim of a gang bashing at the hands of a group of 10 - 15 gutless thugs, the full details of this unfortunate event has yet to come to light but enough is already known it was a case of 1 man (possibly intoxicated) versus at least 10 others . This is never fair, never right and never justified.

The victim suffered serious injuries from being punched, kicked and stomped these injuries meant he had to be put in an induced coma and again sparked public debate about CCTV, Security Personnel and the general safety of our streets and social venues.

Comments on various news sites have justifiably been angry, concerningly though some people have stated this is exactly why they carry weapons!

To rely on an external item for your safety is hazardous and irresponsible, a knife is not protection it is a weapon that if you lose control of can be used against you or someone innocent.

A weapon does not go hand in hand with responsible usage and can quickly escalate a situation to a terminal level that otherwise may have been avoided.

It is vital for everyday law abiding and responsible people to learn a from of self defense with reality based techniques and training.

One that is easily learnt and used in a pressure situation when the adrenalin is pumping, one that does not rely on size or strength and one that teaches responsible usage of the skills learnt.

NOTE: If you doubt this is possible think of how quickly various military forces around the world can quickly turn civilians into fighting machines proficient in unarmed combat in a matter of weeks.

Our Commando Krav Maga classes teach all of these aspects, using techniques and teaching methods that guarantee to improve your defensive capabilities, although it's origins are with elite units of the IDF (Israeili Defence Forces, hence the 'Commando') the civilian curriculum teaches many things including the following;

1st Defence: Leave there is no honour lost in avoiding a needless fight. Keeping a watchful eye out for further danger as you take yourself away from possible conflict

2nd Defence: De-escalate: If it does not compromise your wellbeing defuse the situation and talk it down. Never be the Aggressor!

3rd Defence" If physically attacked Engage the primary threat/s, stop the threat and quickly dis-engage keeping an eye out for further attacks.

Amongst Other components taught are

How to minimise your chances of tripping, by increasing your stability, awareness of the situation and method of movement.

Ground Survival, do you know how so many people in recent years have died as the results of a simple push which knocked them down causing a lethal injury? Know the correct way to fall, it could easily save your life.

If knocked down to the ground the maximum amount of time you have to get back your feet, if not you are at a much greater risk of being attacked.

Don't be naieve and think it will never happen to me , every day in auatralia, in Melbourne people of all sizes, sexes, ages, professions and races are attacked at work, at train stations, in the street, at pubs and in their own homes at any hour of the day. Ensure you are not one of them and invest in your safety

Train Right, Stay Strong, Be Unstoppable!


P.S Invest in your safety at our Intro to Self Defense Workshop Hurry as places are filling Fast!

Contact us now to enroll

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