Friday, 31 October 2008

a superb meteor every atom in magnificent glow

a superb meteor every atom in magnificent glow

So I had this discussion today with a student (from my small but awesome band of Self Defense Students) about this weekends upcoming indoor rock climbing outing. The topic came up about how lately she was on bit of a mission to do more activities to take herself out of her comfort zone.

It was great to hear! Regularly pushing yourself out of your comfort zone is something I've been a strong believer in for my entire adult life (and I'm not just talking about exercise here). Doing so helps you gain a strong sense of empowerment that will positively affect all other aspects of your life.

It doesn't matter if you are outperformed by others. It doesn't even matter that you don't complete it. What does matter, is that you fully commit yourself at the time of trying and you keep trying until you are satisfied with the outcome.

"Try Again, Fail Better" - Sam Beckett

The simple fact that you are constantly working, completing and finding new mini-challenges will fill you with a sense of pride, achievemnt and renewed purpose. You will continue to progress in unstoppable forward motion in life rather than lying stagnant and constantly wishing for something better to happen to you.

The thing about always staying within your comfort zones is that the rest of the world still builds around you. Your comfort zone gets slowly deeper, turnng into a ditch, then eventually a valley, then a seemingly sheer cliff face surrounded by a raging sea.

Fear is a tool, it can be used to spur you on or it can break the reins and hold you back. Personally "I would rather be ashes than dust. I would rather that my spark would burn out in a brilliant blaze than be stifled by dry-rot. I would rather be a superb meteor every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet. The function of man is to live! Not to exist. I shall not waste my days to try prolong them. I shall use my time."

Final thought above is one of my all time favourite quotes, what it means to me put simply, I would rather go out & grab life by the proverbials than sit back and watch it pass me by. I would rather do my best to be the best than not try at all for fear of public failure.

I need to thrive not just survive, at the end of the day, yes I could take care of myself, exercise and live life as an adventure & have an untimely demise but I would much rather that than slowly decomposing at the pub, on the couch or on the sidelines. What hell of a ride!

Wednesday, 29 October 2008

Modern Incarnation of an Ancient Tool

Modern Incarnation of an Ancient Tool

I took delivery today of my new I-phone!
i-phone, ooohh baby!

My new and stylish piece of bling blong kit replaces my very sturdy and very old orange & white candy bar shaped phone and once I wrap my head around it's many functions, will allow me to join the modern world of emails, internet and somewhat replace my handwritten diary. It is a modern tool to maximise work efficiency, allow flexibility in my every day tasks and add a bit more fun to my mobile life. Great Stuff!

My other favourite piece of equipment is a modern day version of the Club, (the Clubbell), unlike the iphone the club has been around for thousands of years in countless cultures and still remains in society today, serving very effectively both as a weapon and in the form of the Clubbell a superior physical conditioning tool.

Like the i-phone the clubbell also maximises work efficiency, it allows flexibility (in my strength & conditioning sessions) and it seriously does add a bit more fun (and more than a few stares as I use it).
Clubbell® - 15lb (pair):
Looking and weighted like a baseball bat on roids the clubbell maximises work efficiency with it's displaced weight and dynamic compound techniques that ensure your whole body works overtime to move them around in short but powerful workouts.

Clubbell® - 15lb (pair)

It provides me with flexibility by adding a valuable tool to utilise in my workouts on top of bodyweight, dumbbell, machines and kettlebells, it also adds a whole new range of exercises that just aren't possible with any of the others and is it fun? Damn straight it is! With moves that require focus and skill and that tap into your inner barbarian or amazon with it's massively powerful swings it is a hell of a lot fun to play with.

However before you go around swinging clubs in an effort to tap into its superior fat burning, muscle building & fitness conditioning benefits you need to get proper instruction as needless to say if you aren't properly instructed swinging 15pounds of steel around could easily lead you into a misadventure (it is a club after all) this is where the health first fitness professionals that are the Circular Strength Training Cadre come in, trained to the highest standard by the founder of the modern Clubbell Dr Scott Sonnon they will ensure you can maximise your training with the clubbell and do so safely.

There are CST Coaches in an increasing number of Australian Cities, want to give the clubbell a swing and reap the health & fitness benefits, Contact me in Melbourne for a Free Training SessionThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it or alternatively go to the Flow Academy for further info.

Swingin for Strength, Ringin on my new phone


1st Gen Australian - CST Coach

jPT Lead Trainer

* Blog for Monday 28th Oct*

Monday, 27 October 2008

You can't wait for superio health & fitness, you have to after it with a club!

I've just gotten back from my most recent trip to Sydney where I met with my coaches & a Small but dedicated band of Professionals from around the country. Over 5 days (& late nights) this brilliant collection of minds, consisting of Fitness Professionals, Kinesiologists, Yoga Instructors & Doctors including Chiropractors & Osteopaths, worked and progressed together as despite our different primary modalities we all have one shining goal in mind to change the health of Australians forever through a Health First approach to movement.

Movement that will see their aches and pains managed, reduced and even completely eliminated forever! My participation ensures that back in Melbourne I & juggernautPT will be there on the ground level working directly with those of you that are ready to open your mind to highly effective and fun new training techniques that are rooted in thousands of years of proven techinques, combined with the ones you already know to help you achieve new levels of movement, achievement, satisfaction & enjoyment out of life regardless of your sex, age, training age and level of conditioning.

It's going to be a hell of an Unstoppable Ride, So join the club & hop on!


P.S Mark a jPT stalwart (and self proclaimed Dinosaur) has achieved much since his first session in late april this year, read his latest update and dare to dream the (seemingly) impossible for yourself!

*Todays entry is backdated to Sunday 27/10/08 - Special thanks to Coach Sonnon, Coach Wilson, Brad Crawford and all of my (new & old) colleagues from around Australia, for all of the laughs your continued hard work, dedication and passion!

Saturday, 4 October 2008

October Fitness News - Melbourne Marathon-Spring Inspiration

Presenting the juggernautPT October Newsletter, Enjoy!


Click for the Latest Fitness News!

Melbourne Marathon Special
Register for Melb Marathon Free Warm up support session
jPT hero - Dotty
Register for new CBD Dawn Session

Newsletter competition & Bonus Offer
6 Exercises for Marathon Madness
Cara's Corner - Fuel your Race
Recover Faster Post marathon

Melbourne Marathon Special
Tips for achieving the best result in the melbourne marathon

Register for Melb Marathon Free Warm up support session
jPT are running a free pre-race warm up and support session Register NOW!

Register for new Melbourne CBD Dawn Session
New Monday & Wednesday CBD location for jPT Group Training / Bootcamp Clients.
Register your interest NOW!

 jPT Hero  - Dotty
Spring Inspiration... 'What happened to my Lazy Sister!'

6 Exercises to get you marathon ready
Prevent and alleviate tight legs leading up to your race

Cara's Corner
The jPT Dietitian tells you how to fuel your race, pre, post and during race nutrition for best results

Click here to view your latest News
Or go to:

FYI: Limited Places Spring Bootcamps Enroll Now