Wednesday 29 October 2008

Modern Incarnation of an Ancient Tool

Modern Incarnation of an Ancient Tool

I took delivery today of my new I-phone!
i-phone, ooohh baby!

My new and stylish piece of bling blong kit replaces my very sturdy and very old orange & white candy bar shaped phone and once I wrap my head around it's many functions, will allow me to join the modern world of emails, internet and somewhat replace my handwritten diary. It is a modern tool to maximise work efficiency, allow flexibility in my every day tasks and add a bit more fun to my mobile life. Great Stuff!

My other favourite piece of equipment is a modern day version of the Club, (the Clubbell), unlike the iphone the club has been around for thousands of years in countless cultures and still remains in society today, serving very effectively both as a weapon and in the form of the Clubbell a superior physical conditioning tool.

Like the i-phone the clubbell also maximises work efficiency, it allows flexibility (in my strength & conditioning sessions) and it seriously does add a bit more fun (and more than a few stares as I use it).
Clubbell® - 15lb (pair):
Looking and weighted like a baseball bat on roids the clubbell maximises work efficiency with it's displaced weight and dynamic compound techniques that ensure your whole body works overtime to move them around in short but powerful workouts.

Clubbell® - 15lb (pair)

It provides me with flexibility by adding a valuable tool to utilise in my workouts on top of bodyweight, dumbbell, machines and kettlebells, it also adds a whole new range of exercises that just aren't possible with any of the others and is it fun? Damn straight it is! With moves that require focus and skill and that tap into your inner barbarian or amazon with it's massively powerful swings it is a hell of a lot fun to play with.

However before you go around swinging clubs in an effort to tap into its superior fat burning, muscle building & fitness conditioning benefits you need to get proper instruction as needless to say if you aren't properly instructed swinging 15pounds of steel around could easily lead you into a misadventure (it is a club after all) this is where the health first fitness professionals that are the Circular Strength Training Cadre come in, trained to the highest standard by the founder of the modern Clubbell Dr Scott Sonnon they will ensure you can maximise your training with the clubbell and do so safely.

There are CST Coaches in an increasing number of Australian Cities, want to give the clubbell a swing and reap the health & fitness benefits, Contact me in Melbourne for a Free Training SessionThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it or alternatively go to the Flow Academy for further info.

Swingin for Strength, Ringin on my new phone


1st Gen Australian - CST Coach

jPT Lead Trainer

* Blog for Monday 28th Oct*

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