Monday, 27 October 2008

You can't wait for superio health & fitness, you have to after it with a club!

I've just gotten back from my most recent trip to Sydney where I met with my coaches & a Small but dedicated band of Professionals from around the country. Over 5 days (& late nights) this brilliant collection of minds, consisting of Fitness Professionals, Kinesiologists, Yoga Instructors & Doctors including Chiropractors & Osteopaths, worked and progressed together as despite our different primary modalities we all have one shining goal in mind to change the health of Australians forever through a Health First approach to movement.

Movement that will see their aches and pains managed, reduced and even completely eliminated forever! My participation ensures that back in Melbourne I & juggernautPT will be there on the ground level working directly with those of you that are ready to open your mind to highly effective and fun new training techniques that are rooted in thousands of years of proven techinques, combined with the ones you already know to help you achieve new levels of movement, achievement, satisfaction & enjoyment out of life regardless of your sex, age, training age and level of conditioning.

It's going to be a hell of an Unstoppable Ride, So join the club & hop on!


P.S Mark a jPT stalwart (and self proclaimed Dinosaur) has achieved much since his first session in late april this year, read his latest update and dare to dream the (seemingly) impossible for yourself!

*Todays entry is backdated to Sunday 27/10/08 - Special thanks to Coach Sonnon, Coach Wilson, Brad Crawford and all of my (new & old) colleagues from around Australia, for all of the laughs your continued hard work, dedication and passion!

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