Monday, 3 November 2008

Do you have a coach to elevate your performance?

Part 1 - Coach Scott Sonnon - The Grappler :)

"Only those who can see the invisible can accomplish the impossible" - Patrick Snow

At time of writing this post I have been back in Melbourne a week from my last coaching trip. I travelled up to Sydney to complete another round of training with 2 of my Coaches, both of whom are outstanding, inspiring and humble individuals.

I have had to split this post on my Coaches into 2 parts so I can give each of them the space they deserve.

I will then follow on with my experiences with Circular Strength Training, my training with Coaches Sonnon and Wilson and how you can increase your expectations of your fitness program results, change the way you look at fitness, health and transform your body, your life.

Note: Although they touch the lives of Countless others around the world, I can only express my personal view and experieces from Coaches Sonnon & Wilson

Why Do I need a Coach?

A great coach is something that everyone needs in their life to facilitate progression of skills & knowledge towards your personal goals. Whether it be a Coach in your sports team, a Mentor in Business or your Personal Trainer or Health Professional. They will offer you guidance and advice yes but more than that they will help you rise your faith in your potential, show you how to take steps to get there quicker benefiting from the experiences of someone who has done it before, but most importantly they will help you see the reflection of your True potential which may just be far beyond what you currently see for yourself.

These are just some of the many benefits I get from the Coaching I receive, and in turn mesh with my current knowledge, experiences to elevate my performance and pass on to others who I live, train and work with.

Coach Profile - Scott Sonnon

So who do I seek out to "Train the Trainer", when juggernautPT seeks to be the "best there is at what we do" we get the very best in the business.

My Original Coach is the man of 'Flow' Scott Sonnon, if Aussies truly love an Underdog overcoming odds this man embodies it, & would be the picture next to the definition

Legally blind from an early age Scott was quickly written off by many as unlikely to succeed at anything. He spent his youth crippled in pain with Osteochondrosis disease, which shredded the connective tissue throughout his joints and weakened the development of his growth plates.

Also suffering an array of learning disabilities including dyslexia he was labeled as "retarded" by undereducated teachers.

But Scott chose to see, these "defects" as a blessing which allowed him to see, feel and think about the world in a wonderfully unique way.

His love for helping others improve their quality of movement, health and life was born out of his personal need to learn each remedial step, of never being able to take for granted what came naturally to everyone else

This quest to learn alternative methods of health improvement led him to study under the top 'Coaches' in the World in a wide array of fields. Tapping into his true capability he eventually became an American Martial Arts Champion & Coach (Sambo) as well as earning the former USSR's highest athletic distinction: "Honourable Master of Sport.".

He became subject matter expert for members of the UFC®, the NHL®, NFL® and MLB®. Despite mental obstacles, he currently serves on Graduate Faculty at Virginia Commonwealth University and has earned his membership into Mensa® - the International High IQ Society.

Now due to poor nutrition, conditioning and aging, children, adults and seniors alike suffer pain similar to what Scott encountered and overcame. His programs were originally designed to prevent accelerating aging of joint and connective tissues, and to give people of even Scott's genetic challenges, access to the physical and psychological mastery which can only be described as "flow."

He has achieved much since then and has become an inspiration to thousands of people by his incredible story of triumph and his passionate dedication to helping others.

But to para phrase Scotts own words his greatest achievement is his inspiring faith in himself. Just like for each one of us our greatest achievement is ..... us. Each as individuals aiming to be better than the day before.

Our personal power to face any and all hardships. Even against tumultuously overwhelming odds, we are the brave ones for taking one more breath and doing the hard, right thing rather than the easy, wrong thing.

Individuals who have stared and continue to peer daily into the mirrors of their own current conditions, facing the icy blast of reality, and open the door to delimiting their potential anyway, despite having the courage to do so only after they’ve done so.

We may be alone in this internal molting process of personal evolution, but we’re alone together. Any belief in some external thing, any illusion that divinity is “out there somewhere” and not within us, robs us of our power.

All my life, I knew greatness lay within me. You must constantly remind yourself of that every day… and make one little act of heroism daily no matter how miniscule. And you will pool your bank of courage into an ocean.

Next Post - The Striker - Coach Joe Wilson

Note: Additional Australian photos provided by Damo talented photographer & fellow CST student see his story at

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