Monday, 3 November 2008

Do you have a coach to elevate your performance? Profile Part 2 - Coach Joe Wilson

Do you have a coach to elevate your performance? Profile Part 2 - Coach Joe Wilson

I got my first opportunity to train with Joe this year, and I have to tell you the impact he creates when first contact is made is memorable & instantly worthy of a story.

He runs on a natural booster that is infectious to those around him and keeps him on an orbit of energy which seems limitless, but he definitely ain't no space cadet. I found him to be an extremely intelligent man of integrity, and although always smiling you cannot doubt his serious dedication to his craft and his passion for helping others reach their potential.

A part of Coach Sonnons Rmax Faculty and a long time friend of Scotts' Joe also acts as a verbal, physical and mental sparring partner for Scott much to both of their delights.

Working with Coach Sonnon he helped elevate my physical performance and the expectations of where I can take my movement, professional and personal development not by any miracle but by setting an example, guidance, encouragement and allowing me to see my own intuitive capability, exactly what a good coach should do.

Profile on 'Smiling' Joe Wilson

Born with a torsional deformity in his hip and his feet that meant he had to wear leg braces and corrective shoes until he was 12.

Even at 13 he was told by doctors that he would never be able to run or participate in normal athletics.

As a child these challenges caused Joseph to feel different from others. Absorbing all the negative information from doctors and medical professionals led him to feel as though he could not keep up with other kids which ensured it became a self-fulfilling prophecy.

He endured years of being the slowest and the last, not to mention being the last kid to get picked. At 13, Joseph’s life and perspective changed when problems at home led him to spend most days and nights in solitude.

This led him to visualize what he could actually do almost constantly. With no one around to remind him of what he couldn't do, he began to overcome the challenges bit by bit.

The physical challenges he faced forced him to work harder than most and look for ways to improve in places where most kids his age hadn't or wouldn't even consider.

He would literally train day and night, reading and studying everything in fitness, martial arts & self development he could get his hands on .

Joe in Action with Clubbell

His martial arts training began at 4 years of age and has been active ever since, now holding black belts in several disciplines, his dedication to the Martial Arts also took him to China, where he was accepted as a student and trained by the Shaolin monks. He shares that experience with others, and operates a successful martial arts school (open for over 15 years).

Wanting to face old fears & new challenges he set his sights on a career in Law Enforcement. Growing up in Memphis, he faced being a target of violence, and being surrounded by crime. Joseph always romanticized the idea of being a police officer and being one who could protect and help others.

He has always believed that being a Police officer is one of the noblest professions. So at 21, he scaled down his business, dropped out of college (for a period) and applied and was accepted to the academy. For over 10 years, Joe has been a full time law enforcement officer, and is considered a "Use of Force Expert" in many States and Countries.

Despite physical challenges and advice from “experts” to never exercise he was able to become a Multi-discipline International Martial Arts champion,teacher, accomplished author,speaker and a highly sought after law enforcement and protective services trainer.
Joe Wilson teahing Monks at the Shaolin Temple

Joe credits the Circular Strength Training System and Scott Sonnon with his full recovery and helping him overcome perceived limits that were forced upon him by others, which have earned him entrance into the National Fitness Hall of Fame Museum and Personal Trainer Hall of Fame.

Upon meeting Joe you can sense that his greatest joy comes from teaching and helping others. He continues to appear and speak on topics such as Personal Safety and Self Protection, Health and Fitness, Cultural Diversity, Goal Setting, Anger management and martial arts.

Joseph feels a deep moral obligation to give others the opportunities he has found and made; and has dedicated his life to teaching others to reach their full potential mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally and socially.

If you are at all able take the opportunity to train with Coaches Joe & Scott on their next trip to Australia but even if you never do, be inspired by their stories, find your inner strength & desires, a guide to help you get there and reach for your dreams, aspirations and true capability.

Be Unstoppable!


Note: Additional Australian photos provided by Damo talented photographer & fellow CST student see his story at

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