Hi faithful blog readers, I recently took on a new recruit lets call Recruit T. Recruit T is a newcomer to the field of exercise however I could see in her the burning desire to succeed in her making positive lifestyle changes. so I sent her an email which read;
*Please note Recruit T has given her permission for this content to be reproduced*
I just wanted to say that I am pleased with how you've worked in the
first two sessions, I know that Bootcamp is a true challenge however
the Corporal and myself are there to help you work Smart and Hard and
get you results! Keep it up and your perseverance will pay off.
Thought I'd share these little story/s with you
I saw the movie 300 recently and as my regular recruits will know
the Battle of Thermopylae (on which the movie was loosely based) is
one of my favourite inspirational stories. Basically when the Spartan
King was faced with an invading force that threatened his country,
politics and religion prohibited him from mobilising his own army
(still tiny in comparison) so with a force of just 300 he set off to
defend his country against the invading hordes of at least 250, 000!
That one battle was pivotal in the war against the persians and
ensured the defenders would eventually claim victory. The Spartan King
Leonidas did this because he had faith in himself and those warriors
in the platoon around him no matter what the nay-sayers said.
The moral: When you tell people that you want to make a positive
change (not restricted to fitness programs), too often they will offer
various negative opinions. These people could be co-workers, friends
and even family, be polite say thanks then go and make the decision
that you know is the right choice for you. Because when they see that
you followed through, worked smart, hard and persevered and are now
getting the results you envisioned they will admire you for it (even
if they don't admit it publicly).
Extra Bit: Sara Jane one of my current recruits has done it tough from
the get go starting at 130kgs with joint pains she couldn't jog the
1km run in the BFA, however she has continued with us and so far has
lost 30kgs! She always pushed no matter the challenge and never found
a supportive instructor (or recruit) far away. I am truly proud of her
as I am all my recruits and I look forward to helping her surpass her next goal.
Ramesh sydney recruit, a music producer lost over 50kgs, again he
started off as the least conditioned recruit, however the work ethic
and passion for improving was always there. He now is in one of the fittest
groups at the Sydney programs.
Keep an eye on the next post for Recruit T's response....