Sunday, 15 June 2008

How are you performing?

Listen to the radio for about 30 minutes and you're pretty much guaranteed to hear multiple ads for "nasal spray technology" to put in stronger performances in the bedroom, the fact so much of this is being sold is worrying enough but when you hear Aussies are having sex an average of just 1.1 times a week you've gotta wonder is this the only factor holding aussies back from enjoying more quality horizontal mambo, in the bedroom.

According to a recent report it's Back & Neck pain with the top 10 perceived causes beings:

1. tension / stress

2. an injury from an accident (car, fall)

3. working at a computer for too long

4. sleeping in a bad position

5. labouring / manual labour

6. poor posture

7. spinal bone problems (vertebrae)

8. aging / natural aging process

9. overweight

10. history of repetitive movements

With a standard exercise program you can partially reduce at least EIGHT of these issues that are affecting your quality of life and most likely making you feel irritated, frustrated and distracted.

However to significantly reduce & eliminate these concerns you MUST consider incorporating the following into your lifestyle;

Don't sit at the desk or in the car for more than 3 hours at a time, get up move and walk around

As little as 20 minutes a day of joint mobility Exercises & Stretching will show improvement in restoring pain free & unrestricted ROM (Range of movement). Do 10 minutes in the morning upon waking and 10 at night just before bed.

Functional resistance (both linear & circular) training exercises will ensure your body is strong as it moves through it's 6 degrees of freedom

Each week incorporate a chill out session a meditative break where you can release the accumulated stress of the working week.

Be Unstoppable!


P.S To find out more on how to easily incorporate all of these positive changes into your lifestyle through exercise, mobility and meditative movement email me at

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