Monday, 16 June 2008

Is Lockout the solution? Protect yourself from Violence in Melbourne


The night has always held more risk of violence and attacks then day, when the sun goes down tempers seem to go up so much more.

In melbourne the authorities have adopted a 2am lockout scheme in an attempt to curb violence, however with so many clubs exempt I feel this is not a sufficient measure to keep the streets safe for those who are just out for a good time and while there need to be more comprehensive strategies developed a taskforce of the Government, Police, ClubOwners, Security Companies and of course the community who are out at night.

However whatever is implemented the best way to ensure your safety (short of locking yourself in at night), is to invest in learning a form of reality based self defense.

Notice I said "reality-based" if you are considering a martial art purely to keep yourself safe choose one that does not have a sporting application.

Here are my Top 5 Tips Choosing;

Tip#1 -Talk & Walk
A good method will incorporate verbal & body language tactics as your primary defense there is no dis-honour in avoiding conflict when at all possible by de-escalating the situation and walking away (without turning your back on them).

Tip #2 - Easy to Learn
The techniques should be easy to learn, effective and not rely on strength, regardless of who you are and your background you should be able to fight off someone much stronger and more experienced in conflict than you. No finicky movements necessary.

Tip #3 - No Feet of Fury

Any method that has a focus on kicks as a strike, will lose effectiveness outside of the gym. Why?... Balance you take one leg off the ground you increase your chances of falling over, you fall over it becomes a LOT more dangerous. If you have had a few drinks, in a crowded/ cluttered and dark environment it becomes even more of a gamble.

Tip #4 - They have mates
The days of two blokes going toe to toe and having a beer after are over. You must ensure it includes techniques to deal with weapon and multiple attackers.

Tip #5 - Pressure Cooker

You must have training under pressure, in a conflict situation, emotions and adrenaline run high, if you have not trained under a conditions that simulate this effect, you cannot know that you will react in the best way when it happens for real!

Stay Safe, Be Unstoppable!


P.S Want to learn more about self defence? Email me at, for details of a very special 3 hour workshop in Melbourne to get you started!

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