Don't always try to carry it all by yourself
As a fitness professional and modern aussie bloke, the issue of mens health is a passionate subject for my own sake, my familys and for every other aussie bloke!
In the past, I like many others have been guilty of ignoring my own health issues carried on with life and tried to tough it out alone, this was a mistake I have learnt from, and now realise that I didn't have to and would have been a lot better off if I had gotten help when I knew something was not quite right.
Now take a serious look at your own health, not just physical, but mental as well, if you have been ignoring an issue hoping it will get better by itself and just go away, be a real man and ask for assistance now!
June 9-15 is Mens Health Week, it is a time to raise your awareness of your own health
Remember Men don’t need to ‘tough it out’ or ‘go it alone’, & they shouldn’t.
Here's some not so greatfacts;
• Mental health: 1 in 6 men
will experience depression in their lives, & 1 in
8 men will experience an anxiety disorder in any
1 year.
• Prostate health & cancer awareness:
Each year 2,700 Australian men die of prostate cancer - equal to the number of women who die from breast
cancer annually - & around 12,000 new cases are
diagnosed each year. Prostate cancer testing can be
provided in a routine medical check-up
• Testosterone deficiency Testosterone is needed for the best possible health
in men & is important for muscle strength &
bone density, energy & mood. Low testosterone
affects 1 in 200 men under 60 years of age & an
estimated 1 in 10 men over 60, it’s also associated with other health problems
such as osteoporosis, erectile dysfunction &
• See your GP once a year: men are often reluctant
to visit the doctor, perhaps thinking they don’t have
time, or they’re supposed to be tough & self-reliant.
But it is important that men change their “culture” &
go for a check up with their GP once a year.
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