Monday, 3 November 2008

Do you have a coach to elevate your performance? Profile Part 2 - Coach Joe Wilson

Do you have a coach to elevate your performance? Profile Part 2 - Coach Joe Wilson

I got my first opportunity to train with Joe this year, and I have to tell you the impact he creates when first contact is made is memorable & instantly worthy of a story.

He runs on a natural booster that is infectious to those around him and keeps him on an orbit of energy which seems limitless, but he definitely ain't no space cadet. I found him to be an extremely intelligent man of integrity, and although always smiling you cannot doubt his serious dedication to his craft and his passion for helping others reach their potential.

A part of Coach Sonnons Rmax Faculty and a long time friend of Scotts' Joe also acts as a verbal, physical and mental sparring partner for Scott much to both of their delights.

Working with Coach Sonnon he helped elevate my physical performance and the expectations of where I can take my movement, professional and personal development not by any miracle but by setting an example, guidance, encouragement and allowing me to see my own intuitive capability, exactly what a good coach should do.

Profile on 'Smiling' Joe Wilson

Born with a torsional deformity in his hip and his feet that meant he had to wear leg braces and corrective shoes until he was 12.

Even at 13 he was told by doctors that he would never be able to run or participate in normal athletics.

As a child these challenges caused Joseph to feel different from others. Absorbing all the negative information from doctors and medical professionals led him to feel as though he could not keep up with other kids which ensured it became a self-fulfilling prophecy.

He endured years of being the slowest and the last, not to mention being the last kid to get picked. At 13, Joseph’s life and perspective changed when problems at home led him to spend most days and nights in solitude.

This led him to visualize what he could actually do almost constantly. With no one around to remind him of what he couldn't do, he began to overcome the challenges bit by bit.

The physical challenges he faced forced him to work harder than most and look for ways to improve in places where most kids his age hadn't or wouldn't even consider.

He would literally train day and night, reading and studying everything in fitness, martial arts & self development he could get his hands on .

Joe in Action with Clubbell

His martial arts training began at 4 years of age and has been active ever since, now holding black belts in several disciplines, his dedication to the Martial Arts also took him to China, where he was accepted as a student and trained by the Shaolin monks. He shares that experience with others, and operates a successful martial arts school (open for over 15 years).

Wanting to face old fears & new challenges he set his sights on a career in Law Enforcement. Growing up in Memphis, he faced being a target of violence, and being surrounded by crime. Joseph always romanticized the idea of being a police officer and being one who could protect and help others.

He has always believed that being a Police officer is one of the noblest professions. So at 21, he scaled down his business, dropped out of college (for a period) and applied and was accepted to the academy. For over 10 years, Joe has been a full time law enforcement officer, and is considered a "Use of Force Expert" in many States and Countries.

Despite physical challenges and advice from “experts” to never exercise he was able to become a Multi-discipline International Martial Arts champion,teacher, accomplished author,speaker and a highly sought after law enforcement and protective services trainer.
Joe Wilson teahing Monks at the Shaolin Temple

Joe credits the Circular Strength Training System and Scott Sonnon with his full recovery and helping him overcome perceived limits that were forced upon him by others, which have earned him entrance into the National Fitness Hall of Fame Museum and Personal Trainer Hall of Fame.

Upon meeting Joe you can sense that his greatest joy comes from teaching and helping others. He continues to appear and speak on topics such as Personal Safety and Self Protection, Health and Fitness, Cultural Diversity, Goal Setting, Anger management and martial arts.

Joseph feels a deep moral obligation to give others the opportunities he has found and made; and has dedicated his life to teaching others to reach their full potential mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally and socially.

If you are at all able take the opportunity to train with Coaches Joe & Scott on their next trip to Australia but even if you never do, be inspired by their stories, find your inner strength & desires, a guide to help you get there and reach for your dreams, aspirations and true capability.

Be Unstoppable!


Note: Additional Australian photos provided by Damo talented photographer & fellow CST student see his story at

Do you have a coach to elevate your performance?

Part 1 - Coach Scott Sonnon - The Grappler :)

"Only those who can see the invisible can accomplish the impossible" - Patrick Snow

At time of writing this post I have been back in Melbourne a week from my last coaching trip. I travelled up to Sydney to complete another round of training with 2 of my Coaches, both of whom are outstanding, inspiring and humble individuals.

I have had to split this post on my Coaches into 2 parts so I can give each of them the space they deserve.

I will then follow on with my experiences with Circular Strength Training, my training with Coaches Sonnon and Wilson and how you can increase your expectations of your fitness program results, change the way you look at fitness, health and transform your body, your life.

Note: Although they touch the lives of Countless others around the world, I can only express my personal view and experieces from Coaches Sonnon & Wilson

Why Do I need a Coach?

A great coach is something that everyone needs in their life to facilitate progression of skills & knowledge towards your personal goals. Whether it be a Coach in your sports team, a Mentor in Business or your Personal Trainer or Health Professional. They will offer you guidance and advice yes but more than that they will help you rise your faith in your potential, show you how to take steps to get there quicker benefiting from the experiences of someone who has done it before, but most importantly they will help you see the reflection of your True potential which may just be far beyond what you currently see for yourself.

These are just some of the many benefits I get from the Coaching I receive, and in turn mesh with my current knowledge, experiences to elevate my performance and pass on to others who I live, train and work with.

Coach Profile - Scott Sonnon

So who do I seek out to "Train the Trainer", when juggernautPT seeks to be the "best there is at what we do" we get the very best in the business.

My Original Coach is the man of 'Flow' Scott Sonnon, if Aussies truly love an Underdog overcoming odds this man embodies it, & would be the picture next to the definition

Legally blind from an early age Scott was quickly written off by many as unlikely to succeed at anything. He spent his youth crippled in pain with Osteochondrosis disease, which shredded the connective tissue throughout his joints and weakened the development of his growth plates.

Also suffering an array of learning disabilities including dyslexia he was labeled as "retarded" by undereducated teachers.

But Scott chose to see, these "defects" as a blessing which allowed him to see, feel and think about the world in a wonderfully unique way.

His love for helping others improve their quality of movement, health and life was born out of his personal need to learn each remedial step, of never being able to take for granted what came naturally to everyone else

This quest to learn alternative methods of health improvement led him to study under the top 'Coaches' in the World in a wide array of fields. Tapping into his true capability he eventually became an American Martial Arts Champion & Coach (Sambo) as well as earning the former USSR's highest athletic distinction: "Honourable Master of Sport.".

He became subject matter expert for members of the UFC®, the NHL®, NFL® and MLB®. Despite mental obstacles, he currently serves on Graduate Faculty at Virginia Commonwealth University and has earned his membership into Mensa® - the International High IQ Society.

Now due to poor nutrition, conditioning and aging, children, adults and seniors alike suffer pain similar to what Scott encountered and overcame. His programs were originally designed to prevent accelerating aging of joint and connective tissues, and to give people of even Scott's genetic challenges, access to the physical and psychological mastery which can only be described as "flow."

He has achieved much since then and has become an inspiration to thousands of people by his incredible story of triumph and his passionate dedication to helping others.

But to para phrase Scotts own words his greatest achievement is his inspiring faith in himself. Just like for each one of us our greatest achievement is ..... us. Each as individuals aiming to be better than the day before.

Our personal power to face any and all hardships. Even against tumultuously overwhelming odds, we are the brave ones for taking one more breath and doing the hard, right thing rather than the easy, wrong thing.

Individuals who have stared and continue to peer daily into the mirrors of their own current conditions, facing the icy blast of reality, and open the door to delimiting their potential anyway, despite having the courage to do so only after they’ve done so.

We may be alone in this internal molting process of personal evolution, but we’re alone together. Any belief in some external thing, any illusion that divinity is “out there somewhere” and not within us, robs us of our power.

All my life, I knew greatness lay within me. You must constantly remind yourself of that every day… and make one little act of heroism daily no matter how miniscule. And you will pool your bank of courage into an ocean.

Next Post - The Striker - Coach Joe Wilson

Note: Additional Australian photos provided by Damo talented photographer & fellow CST student see his story at

Friday, 31 October 2008

a superb meteor every atom in magnificent glow

a superb meteor every atom in magnificent glow

So I had this discussion today with a student (from my small but awesome band of Self Defense Students) about this weekends upcoming indoor rock climbing outing. The topic came up about how lately she was on bit of a mission to do more activities to take herself out of her comfort zone.

It was great to hear! Regularly pushing yourself out of your comfort zone is something I've been a strong believer in for my entire adult life (and I'm not just talking about exercise here). Doing so helps you gain a strong sense of empowerment that will positively affect all other aspects of your life.

It doesn't matter if you are outperformed by others. It doesn't even matter that you don't complete it. What does matter, is that you fully commit yourself at the time of trying and you keep trying until you are satisfied with the outcome.

"Try Again, Fail Better" - Sam Beckett

The simple fact that you are constantly working, completing and finding new mini-challenges will fill you with a sense of pride, achievemnt and renewed purpose. You will continue to progress in unstoppable forward motion in life rather than lying stagnant and constantly wishing for something better to happen to you.

The thing about always staying within your comfort zones is that the rest of the world still builds around you. Your comfort zone gets slowly deeper, turnng into a ditch, then eventually a valley, then a seemingly sheer cliff face surrounded by a raging sea.

Fear is a tool, it can be used to spur you on or it can break the reins and hold you back. Personally "I would rather be ashes than dust. I would rather that my spark would burn out in a brilliant blaze than be stifled by dry-rot. I would rather be a superb meteor every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet. The function of man is to live! Not to exist. I shall not waste my days to try prolong them. I shall use my time."

Final thought above is one of my all time favourite quotes, what it means to me put simply, I would rather go out & grab life by the proverbials than sit back and watch it pass me by. I would rather do my best to be the best than not try at all for fear of public failure.

I need to thrive not just survive, at the end of the day, yes I could take care of myself, exercise and live life as an adventure & have an untimely demise but I would much rather that than slowly decomposing at the pub, on the couch or on the sidelines. What hell of a ride!

Wednesday, 29 October 2008

Modern Incarnation of an Ancient Tool

Modern Incarnation of an Ancient Tool

I took delivery today of my new I-phone!
i-phone, ooohh baby!

My new and stylish piece of bling blong kit replaces my very sturdy and very old orange & white candy bar shaped phone and once I wrap my head around it's many functions, will allow me to join the modern world of emails, internet and somewhat replace my handwritten diary. It is a modern tool to maximise work efficiency, allow flexibility in my every day tasks and add a bit more fun to my mobile life. Great Stuff!

My other favourite piece of equipment is a modern day version of the Club, (the Clubbell), unlike the iphone the club has been around for thousands of years in countless cultures and still remains in society today, serving very effectively both as a weapon and in the form of the Clubbell a superior physical conditioning tool.

Like the i-phone the clubbell also maximises work efficiency, it allows flexibility (in my strength & conditioning sessions) and it seriously does add a bit more fun (and more than a few stares as I use it).
Clubbell® - 15lb (pair):
Looking and weighted like a baseball bat on roids the clubbell maximises work efficiency with it's displaced weight and dynamic compound techniques that ensure your whole body works overtime to move them around in short but powerful workouts.

Clubbell® - 15lb (pair)

It provides me with flexibility by adding a valuable tool to utilise in my workouts on top of bodyweight, dumbbell, machines and kettlebells, it also adds a whole new range of exercises that just aren't possible with any of the others and is it fun? Damn straight it is! With moves that require focus and skill and that tap into your inner barbarian or amazon with it's massively powerful swings it is a hell of a lot fun to play with.

However before you go around swinging clubs in an effort to tap into its superior fat burning, muscle building & fitness conditioning benefits you need to get proper instruction as needless to say if you aren't properly instructed swinging 15pounds of steel around could easily lead you into a misadventure (it is a club after all) this is where the health first fitness professionals that are the Circular Strength Training Cadre come in, trained to the highest standard by the founder of the modern Clubbell Dr Scott Sonnon they will ensure you can maximise your training with the clubbell and do so safely.

There are CST Coaches in an increasing number of Australian Cities, want to give the clubbell a swing and reap the health & fitness benefits, Contact me in Melbourne for a Free Training SessionThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it or alternatively go to the Flow Academy for further info.

Swingin for Strength, Ringin on my new phone


1st Gen Australian - CST Coach

jPT Lead Trainer

* Blog for Monday 28th Oct*

Monday, 27 October 2008

You can't wait for superio health & fitness, you have to after it with a club!

I've just gotten back from my most recent trip to Sydney where I met with my coaches & a Small but dedicated band of Professionals from around the country. Over 5 days (& late nights) this brilliant collection of minds, consisting of Fitness Professionals, Kinesiologists, Yoga Instructors & Doctors including Chiropractors & Osteopaths, worked and progressed together as despite our different primary modalities we all have one shining goal in mind to change the health of Australians forever through a Health First approach to movement.

Movement that will see their aches and pains managed, reduced and even completely eliminated forever! My participation ensures that back in Melbourne I & juggernautPT will be there on the ground level working directly with those of you that are ready to open your mind to highly effective and fun new training techniques that are rooted in thousands of years of proven techinques, combined with the ones you already know to help you achieve new levels of movement, achievement, satisfaction & enjoyment out of life regardless of your sex, age, training age and level of conditioning.

It's going to be a hell of an Unstoppable Ride, So join the club & hop on!


P.S Mark a jPT stalwart (and self proclaimed Dinosaur) has achieved much since his first session in late april this year, read his latest update and dare to dream the (seemingly) impossible for yourself!

*Todays entry is backdated to Sunday 27/10/08 - Special thanks to Coach Sonnon, Coach Wilson, Brad Crawford and all of my (new & old) colleagues from around Australia, for all of the laughs your continued hard work, dedication and passion!

Saturday, 4 October 2008

October Fitness News - Melbourne Marathon-Spring Inspiration

Presenting the juggernautPT October Newsletter, Enjoy!


Click for the Latest Fitness News!

Melbourne Marathon Special
Register for Melb Marathon Free Warm up support session
jPT hero - Dotty
Register for new CBD Dawn Session

Newsletter competition & Bonus Offer
6 Exercises for Marathon Madness
Cara's Corner - Fuel your Race
Recover Faster Post marathon

Melbourne Marathon Special
Tips for achieving the best result in the melbourne marathon

Register for Melb Marathon Free Warm up support session
jPT are running a free pre-race warm up and support session Register NOW!

Register for new Melbourne CBD Dawn Session
New Monday & Wednesday CBD location for jPT Group Training / Bootcamp Clients.
Register your interest NOW!

 jPT Hero  - Dotty
Spring Inspiration... 'What happened to my Lazy Sister!'

6 Exercises to get you marathon ready
Prevent and alleviate tight legs leading up to your race

Cara's Corner
The jPT Dietitian tells you how to fuel your race, pre, post and during race nutrition for best results

Click here to view your latest News
Or go to:

FYI: Limited Places Spring Bootcamps Enroll Now

Monday, 21 July 2008

Headlines highlight the danger of the bade

The need for normal people to be able to defend against violent attacks involving bladed weapons has never been greater.

Monday morning in Melbourne and there are 2 stories involving stabbings that resulted in 2 people going to hospital and one losing his life due to his wounds.

The knife is a dangerous weapon that can quickly cause fatal harm, it can happen in a nightclub, it can happen in a boarding house, it can happen anywhere.

In Britain 21 people have died in the last year as a result of knife related incidents, there teenagers and people in their early twenties are carrying weapons because they are scared of being attacked and arming themselves.

What people there and here fail to realise is that the production  of a hidden weapon will escalate a situation very very quickly and can turn a argument into a much more dangerous situation.

It is also a derivative of peoples fear of being attacked that they attempt to become more threatning themselves by carrying a weapon as a fashion accessory (hard to believe but true).

If you carry a weapon to protect yourself, take a long hard look at yourself and think to yourself does this piece of steel really protect me? It does not, it has the potential to be turned against you and it has the very real potential of turning you into the criminal instead of the victim.

Instead to arm yourself with the best defense of all, proper training will teach you how to de-escalate a situation whenever possible so it need not turn violent (a bruised ego is not validation for a street fight), how to safely dis-engage ffrom a situation and how to defend yourself when violently attacked (no matter by who, how many or what they are armed with).

It will restore your feeling of safety, provide confidence in your ability and give you tools to deal with a situation that hopefully you will never have to encounter but unfortunately most likely will.

Commando Krav Maga is such a system, it is a responsible and ethical system designed for civillians and the real world you live in.

We run classes in melbourne every saturday, do yourself a favour and come down for a Free Trial session, you have nothing to lose and you may just learn enough in one session to  save your life!

Train Right, Be Unstoppable, Stay Safe.


Note: This Saturdays (26/07/08) regular class will not be held as we are holding a CKM Self Defense Workshop, suitable for all people of all levels (including absolute beginners), with 5 Top Instructors including myself  taking the session.

This is the perfect opportunity for you to start arming yourself with the best knowledge & techniques available


TWO women have been arrested after a violent brawl which broke out in a Melbourne nightclub early today put two people in hospital.

View Original Article

BRITAIN is struggling to get to grips with a surge of fatal knife attacks, which analysts say reflects a growing sense of insecurity on the country's streets.

View Original Article

A 25-YEAR-old man has been charged with murder over a stabbing death in Melbourne.

Reservoir man James Evans was arrested at about 8pm (AEST) yesterday near where the stabbing occurred, after police initially thought he may have been travelling interstate.

Ambulance officers were called to a boarding house in Reservoir at 3pm on Saturday and found a man with stab wounds, Ambulance Victoria spokesman Ray Rowe said.

Police performed CPR on the 37-year-old man but he could not be revived.

Wednesday, 16 July 2008

Hooked on Junk Food? Try watching TV tonight while you eat it

Hi Folks,

At juggernautPT we don't require or expect you to live and eat like a saint (unless your absolute goal is training for a goal that requires it), we believe that life has many pleasures including food and the occasional drink and these are there to be enjoyed.

It is even acceptable to have the occasional indulgence of Junk Food (you know deep fried,high fat, somehow completely cooked and assembled in less than a minute and of questionable sources), as long as it is a sometimes food (Thanks Elmo).

However if you step anything above one of these meals a week, sit yourself down and watch "eat to save your life" tonight (Melbourne, Channel 10 9:30pm)

After the show feel free to post your comments on the show here

Train Hard, Stay Strong, Be Unstoppable!


Tuesday, 15 July 2008

Lacking Winter Motivation

Struggling to stay active Hazards of the Winter Blues

We are now past the shortest and the coldest (hopefully) days of the year and are well on our way to spring (can't wait!). However with the colder, darker days and evenings seemingly compelling people to spend even more time indoors, this season is the toughest for maintaining a healthy lifestyle (especially if you feel like you are doing it by yourself!).

Many enquiries we are currently receiving into our PT & Original Bootcamp programs are compelled by a lack of motivation, boredom or dissatisfaction with their current exercise program. If you're like a lot of people you'll have noticed mood changes because of the season and disruptions to your active lifestyle due to the colder months.

However if you let it, disliking winter can be much more than simply missing warm weather and summer activities. People sleep more, eat more and usually crave carbohydrates which leads to weight gain. If Inactive you'll have a lot less energy to do things outside the bare minimum.

If over the last few years you have been severely affected by the colder months beyond what is described above, you may want to know about Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

SAD is a depressive illness that has a seasonal pattern. It's characterised by mood disturbances that begin in winter and subside when the season ends. It's usually diagnosed after the person has had the same symptoms during winter for a couple of years in a row.

With SAD, the depression symptoms are more about 'slowing down'. Winter can become a severely debilitating and isolating time for many as they try to manage symptoms.

The behaviour associated with Seasonal Affective Disorder is quite different from the standard Winter Blues, it has a cluster of symptoms that makes the person look and feel like they are going into 'hibernation'.

The cause of the disorder is believed to be a lack of exposure to light. The pineal gland, located in the middle of the brain responds to darkness by secreting melatonin which regulates daily biorhythms including the sleep/wake cycle. It's believed that when this is out of balance, SAD can occur.

It's even more important for people to get up in the morning and get some exposure to sunlight, ideally before 8am. Dawn and morning light is believed to be integral in regulating our biorhythms. Combining this with exercise is really important. If people feel this is not helping they should go to their doctor for more advice".

So get up early in the morning and go for that walk/ jog or bike ride OUTSIDE. If you feel like you need more assistance Original Bootcamp Dawn Programs are perfect as they combine early morning sunshine, physical exercise and surround you with positive like minded people who have the same goal in common. It'll be good for your mind and great for your body.

Tuesday, 8 July 2008

Don't be a Sickening Headline

Melbourne 7th July, another Sickening Headline in the News of violence in our streets, a 40 year old man is the victim of a gang bashing at the hands of a group of 10 - 15 gutless thugs, the full details of this unfortunate event has yet to come to light but enough is already known it was a case of 1 man (possibly intoxicated) versus at least 10 others . This is never fair, never right and never justified.

The victim suffered serious injuries from being punched, kicked and stomped these injuries meant he had to be put in an induced coma and again sparked public debate about CCTV, Security Personnel and the general safety of our streets and social venues.

Comments on various news sites have justifiably been angry, concerningly though some people have stated this is exactly why they carry weapons!

To rely on an external item for your safety is hazardous and irresponsible, a knife is not protection it is a weapon that if you lose control of can be used against you or someone innocent.

A weapon does not go hand in hand with responsible usage and can quickly escalate a situation to a terminal level that otherwise may have been avoided.

It is vital for everyday law abiding and responsible people to learn a from of self defense with reality based techniques and training.

One that is easily learnt and used in a pressure situation when the adrenalin is pumping, one that does not rely on size or strength and one that teaches responsible usage of the skills learnt.

NOTE: If you doubt this is possible think of how quickly various military forces around the world can quickly turn civilians into fighting machines proficient in unarmed combat in a matter of weeks.

Our Commando Krav Maga classes teach all of these aspects, using techniques and teaching methods that guarantee to improve your defensive capabilities, although it's origins are with elite units of the IDF (Israeili Defence Forces, hence the 'Commando') the civilian curriculum teaches many things including the following;

1st Defence: Leave there is no honour lost in avoiding a needless fight. Keeping a watchful eye out for further danger as you take yourself away from possible conflict

2nd Defence: De-escalate: If it does not compromise your wellbeing defuse the situation and talk it down. Never be the Aggressor!

3rd Defence" If physically attacked Engage the primary threat/s, stop the threat and quickly dis-engage keeping an eye out for further attacks.

Amongst Other components taught are

How to minimise your chances of tripping, by increasing your stability, awareness of the situation and method of movement.

Ground Survival, do you know how so many people in recent years have died as the results of a simple push which knocked them down causing a lethal injury? Know the correct way to fall, it could easily save your life.

If knocked down to the ground the maximum amount of time you have to get back your feet, if not you are at a much greater risk of being attacked.

Don't be naieve and think it will never happen to me , every day in auatralia, in Melbourne people of all sizes, sexes, ages, professions and races are attacked at work, at train stations, in the street, at pubs and in their own homes at any hour of the day. Ensure you are not one of them and invest in your safety

Train Right, Stay Strong, Be Unstoppable!


P.S Invest in your safety at our Intro to Self Defense Workshop Hurry as places are filling Fast!

Contact us now to enroll

Monday, 30 June 2008

pg 2 July Newsletter - Top 7 Secrets - Free Gift ($45 value)


Social Smoker? Double your chances of quitting & keep the weight off

After a year of smoking bans in our bars and clubs, the effect has shown to have a hugely positive effect helping people kick the habit it has effectively reduced the pressures of 'social smoking' down the pub as people have to remove themselves from social situations with non-smoking friends to light up.

This factor alone has caused 4 out of 10 recent quitters to drop the ciggies and a third of smokers to reduce the amount they smoke.

Now while people are more motivated than ever to stop lighting up, they still need help to get through what can be a tough time as they drop a negative habit ,replacing it with a positive one and avoid crutches such as excessive food and the resulting Weight Gain.

Studies have repeatedly found that people who undertake a structured exercise program are more successful in quitting (or reducing) smoking.

Why is exercise an invaluable weapon in your quit smoking program?

EASE: Vigorous exercise has been shown to reduce tobacco cravings make it easier to quit. TIP: A few minutes of brisk exercise can be done throughout the day to combat these feelings.

WEIGHT: The combination of exercise and your new healthier lifestyle will mean you gain little if any weight when you quit. If you take a structured approach you may even lose that excess Fat that has been bugging you, and visually change your body like never before!

FEAR: If fear of weight gain has been holding you back Read above, then face and defeat that fear!

STRESS: Exercise will equip you to better handle stress, important for your (and possibly people around you) general health and wellbeing

MIND: It will build your Mental Toughness, remember even though its much more unlikely ,a relapse into your smoking is Not a failure just like a setback in your exercise endeavours is not, pick yourself up, learn from the experience and try again (you owe it to yourself)

Want to optimise your results from your exercise program while eliminating your smoking contact us at juggernautPT

For further help in your quit campaign, a great range of advice, resources, plans and Quit Coaches log onto Quit Australia

Saturday, 28 June 2008

Xpress Results in your Lunch Break

Tracy takes a great Pic in her cheeky 'Chaser' Shirt. FYI: She is also enrolled in our "LunchBox" program & loving it!

Hi Gary
Just wanted to THANK YOU so much for the fabulous job you guys do at the Lunch Xpress Bootcamp session. When I first started 4 months ago I was so scared, nervous and the only exercise I was doing was the occasional run for the train! Now my fitness and figure has change immensely and I love every little bit of exercise I do and try plan everything around my twice weekly lunch sessions!

I have family commitments so it's sometimes hard for me to exercise after work and the lunch session is great as it gives me a rest from being chained to the desk and stops that afternoon slump!

Your advice, support and encouragement are to be commended!

My name is Tracy and I am a Bootcamp-aholic



Tuesday, 17 June 2008

Learn Self Defence in Melbourne

Australia goes kaboom!

The Timebomb that has been hiding in the bodies of over 50% of australians has gone off and is putting a huge strain on our lifestyles, our bodies, our health systems and our pants (that have to accomodate ever-growing bums).

Is joining a gym the answer ? For most of us, No it most definitely is not, think about it if every single person who purchased a gym membership actually used it there wouldn't be room to swing a dumbbell in the largest of gyms.

The answer to getting the best results for yourself that will last your lifetime is to hire a professional, a Personal Trainer will help you design and implement a complete program (which is much more than just doing exercise in the gym) to suit your goals, motivation (and budget), and unlike the gym membership will keep you on track (so you are unable to skip sessions and as a result waste invested money as well as cheating yourself of continual forward progress).

For a Free Consultation with one of our jPT Fitness Professionals or to find out more how we can help you look (and feel) your absolute best contaxct us at juggernautPT

Train Right, Stay Strong, Be Unstoppable!

Gary Wagner
Founder & Lead Instructor

P.S On Facebook? Have a look for our great new page "Who else wants Unstoppable Fitness!"

Juggernaut PT
Home of the Original Bootcamps - Melbourne CBD - South Yarra - Nth Carlton

P: 0408 077 093
E: (under renovation)

Monday, 16 June 2008

Is Lockout the solution? Protect yourself from Violence in Melbourne


The night has always held more risk of violence and attacks then day, when the sun goes down tempers seem to go up so much more.

In melbourne the authorities have adopted a 2am lockout scheme in an attempt to curb violence, however with so many clubs exempt I feel this is not a sufficient measure to keep the streets safe for those who are just out for a good time and while there need to be more comprehensive strategies developed a taskforce of the Government, Police, ClubOwners, Security Companies and of course the community who are out at night.

However whatever is implemented the best way to ensure your safety (short of locking yourself in at night), is to invest in learning a form of reality based self defense.

Notice I said "reality-based" if you are considering a martial art purely to keep yourself safe choose one that does not have a sporting application.

Here are my Top 5 Tips Choosing;

Tip#1 -Talk & Walk
A good method will incorporate verbal & body language tactics as your primary defense there is no dis-honour in avoiding conflict when at all possible by de-escalating the situation and walking away (without turning your back on them).

Tip #2 - Easy to Learn
The techniques should be easy to learn, effective and not rely on strength, regardless of who you are and your background you should be able to fight off someone much stronger and more experienced in conflict than you. No finicky movements necessary.

Tip #3 - No Feet of Fury

Any method that has a focus on kicks as a strike, will lose effectiveness outside of the gym. Why?... Balance you take one leg off the ground you increase your chances of falling over, you fall over it becomes a LOT more dangerous. If you have had a few drinks, in a crowded/ cluttered and dark environment it becomes even more of a gamble.

Tip #4 - They have mates
The days of two blokes going toe to toe and having a beer after are over. You must ensure it includes techniques to deal with weapon and multiple attackers.

Tip #5 - Pressure Cooker

You must have training under pressure, in a conflict situation, emotions and adrenaline run high, if you have not trained under a conditions that simulate this effect, you cannot know that you will react in the best way when it happens for real!

Stay Safe, Be Unstoppable!


P.S Want to learn more about self defence? Email me at, for details of a very special 3 hour workshop in Melbourne to get you started!

Sunday, 15 June 2008

How are you performing?

Listen to the radio for about 30 minutes and you're pretty much guaranteed to hear multiple ads for "nasal spray technology" to put in stronger performances in the bedroom, the fact so much of this is being sold is worrying enough but when you hear Aussies are having sex an average of just 1.1 times a week you've gotta wonder is this the only factor holding aussies back from enjoying more quality horizontal mambo, in the bedroom.

According to a recent report it's Back & Neck pain with the top 10 perceived causes beings:

1. tension / stress

2. an injury from an accident (car, fall)

3. working at a computer for too long

4. sleeping in a bad position

5. labouring / manual labour

6. poor posture

7. spinal bone problems (vertebrae)

8. aging / natural aging process

9. overweight

10. history of repetitive movements

With a standard exercise program you can partially reduce at least EIGHT of these issues that are affecting your quality of life and most likely making you feel irritated, frustrated and distracted.

However to significantly reduce & eliminate these concerns you MUST consider incorporating the following into your lifestyle;

Don't sit at the desk or in the car for more than 3 hours at a time, get up move and walk around

As little as 20 minutes a day of joint mobility Exercises & Stretching will show improvement in restoring pain free & unrestricted ROM (Range of movement). Do 10 minutes in the morning upon waking and 10 at night just before bed.

Functional resistance (both linear & circular) training exercises will ensure your body is strong as it moves through it's 6 degrees of freedom

Each week incorporate a chill out session a meditative break where you can release the accumulated stress of the working week.

Be Unstoppable!


P.S To find out more on how to easily incorporate all of these positive changes into your lifestyle through exercise, mobility and meditative movement email me at

Tuesday, 10 June 2008

Is your Office chair hazardous for your health?

As a lot of us get back into a shorter working week courtesy of her majesty, (Thanks Queenie!) you have sat down at your desk to sort through emails, write reports, research and tap away at the keyboards and it is easy to get caught up in the pressures associated and spend hours there with minimal movement off your rear-end.

Humans are designed to move but in our modern lifestyles it is easy to neglect this much needed practice.

So if you are at your desk until your eyes dry out, your back is sore, tight legs and shoulder, stiff and sore, you need to get up and move.

Walking is great but it still only moves your body in a limited fashion, after being essentially static for so long you need to move your body through it's full 6 degrees of movement!

This can be done by mobilising all your joints through their full range of movement (not just up, down and side to side) and taking yourself through a range of moving postures (that don't require a yoga mat or for you to roll around on the floor for), the end result of this is a short and revitalising break to ensure that when you do you eventually leave your desk you don't feel like you're 50 years older and have spent the day cramped up in a box!

If you want the best way to do this our new Office survival programs will restore the flow to your body, increase mobility, eliminate aches and pains, reduce stress and refresh your mind unlike anything else.

These programs can be done at your desk (just slip your shoes off), can be done by anyone and all you need is a few minutes.

If you're thinking to yourself I haven't got the time there is just too much to do , ask yourself how productive am i being now and how much more productive could i be if I wasn't so damn uncomfortable?

Our professional trainers will come into your Melbourne workplace and take you through the program in a workshop, then provide ongoing support to ensure everyone gets the maximum benefit.

Remember whoever you work for they are powered by people and this much needed program will improve your and your companies bottom-line

For more info contact Gary at

P.S today is PT@Work Day, contact me at to see how we can help your workplace be happier, healthier and desk-ache free!

P.P.S Another reason to get up and move is the risk of developing DVT , check out the article link to find out more

DVT risk tied to the desk,21985,23713844-24331,00.html

Sunday, 8 June 2008

You Man Enough to take care...

Don't always try to carry it all by yourself

As a fitness professional and modern aussie bloke, the issue of mens health is a passionate subject for my own sake, my familys and for every other aussie bloke!

In the past, I like many others have been guilty of ignoring my own health issues carried on with life and tried to tough it out alone, this was a mistake I have learnt from, and now realise that I didn't have to and would have been a lot better off if I had gotten help when I knew something was not quite right.

Now take a serious look at your own health, not just physical, but mental as well, if you have been ignoring an issue hoping it will get better by itself and just go away, be a real man and ask for assistance now!

June 9-15 is Mens Health Week, it is a time to raise your awareness of your own health

Remember Men don’t need to ‘tough it out’ or ‘go it alone’, & they shouldn’t.

Here's some not so greatfacts;

• Mental health: 1 in 6 men
will experience depression in their lives, & 1 in
8 men will experience an anxiety disorder in any
1 year.

• Prostate health & cancer awareness:
Each year 2,700 Australian men die of prostate cancer - equal to the number of women who die from breast
cancer annually - & around 12,000 new cases are
diagnosed each year. Prostate cancer testing can be
provided in a routine medical check-up

• Testosterone deficiency Testosterone is needed for the best possible health
in men & is important for muscle strength &
bone density, energy & mood. Low testosterone
affects 1 in 200 men under 60 years of age & an
estimated 1 in 10 men over 60, it’s also associated with other health problems
such as osteoporosis, erectile dysfunction &

• See your GP once a year: men are often reluctant
to visit the doctor, perhaps thinking they don’t have
time, or they’re supposed to be tough & self-reliant.
But it is important that men change their “culture” &
go for a check up with their GP once a year.

Wednesday, 4 June 2008

Laura and Jasons Big Day

Here's a little story of love in the ranks of Bootcamp, it's a story of highschool sweethearts, of 2 people dedicated to their health & fitness, of accountants and lawyers, Of dirt, sweat and well deserved results to prepare for the Big Day!

On behalf of all the recruits, Instructors and myself, I would like to thank Laura and Jason for choosing to train with us in the long term, the lead up to their wedding and after their decadent 3 week honeymoon in Thailand.

Looking happy as can be after their wedding just before the hail of Rice!

Leopard Crawling down the aisle :)

Monday, 2 June 2008

Want to Stop Weight Gain This Winter?

Rob's Story

Rob, 39 Year Old Office Worker, Trained with us in a Corporate Program One session a week for 12 weeks. Share in Rob's Success contact your Health & Fitness HQ Now on (03 9826 6437)

Monday, 17 March 2008

Read This: Confessions of an all-night runner

Run when you can, walk when you have to, crawl if you must, just never give up - Dean Karnazes

A big thanks goes out to one of my recruits (onya Nitro!) for putting me on to this book and this amazing individual who has used his drive to push his body, mind and heart to it's very limits, and in the process has helped children in need, inspired countless others to strive to achieve their very best.

What is an ultramarathon? Anything over the standard distance of 42 kms

Some of Dean's run include:

50 marathons in 50 states in 50 days

217 km run across Death Valley in nearly 49 degree temperature

Was the first person to run a marathon at the South Pole in negative 40 degrees

and perhaps his most infamous achievement a Run around the World, Naked! (Read the book to find out the story on this one)

These are just a few of his sporting achievements but do yourself a favour check out his website

and buy his book, it is an amazing read and is an inspiration to all of uys to get up, get out and move!


Wednesday, 5 March 2008

Express Testimonial

Hi All!

Just wanted to share with you an email I got from Tracy, a Lunchtime Bootcamper in our Melb CBD program.

Train Hard, Stay Strong , Be Unstoppable!


Hi Gary
Just wanted to THANK YOU so much for the fabulous job you guys do at the Lunch Xpress Bootcamp session. When I first started 4 months ago I was so scared, nervous and the only exercise I was doing was the occasional run for the train! Now my fitness and figure has change immensely and I love every little bit of exercise I do and try plan everything around my twice weekly lunch sessions!

I have family commitments so it's sometimes hard for me to exercise after work and the lunch session is great as it gives me a rest from being chained to the desk and stops that afternoon slump!

Your advice, support and encouragement are to be commended!

My name is Tracy and I am a Bootcamp-aholic


Tracy Cook

Wednesday, 27 February 2008

Monday, 18 February 2008

Kids Obesity back in the News

why is it that now in Australia and around the developed world are we hearing more and more about the fact that a significant portion of this generation of kids may well be outlived by their parents due to obesity related illnesses. How can this be happening and what can be done to reverse the trend ?

There is no one answer to this problem as it requires a multi-layered approach, more layers and more detail than can be offered in this post.

But I do offer you all one thing, one important fact if there is a child in your life (or an adult) for that matter that you truly want to see lead a healthy and active life free of obesity related problems. Lead by example, you need to take care of yourself and show people close to you that it is important; exercise regularly, eat in a healthy manner, have fun. Be a hero in your own life to help others be a hero in theirs.

You have a choice in your life to be the healthiest you can be or just let your one and only body slowly detiorarate and wither, just like you have a choice whether to lead by example & inspire others to make the same choice or constantly preach and be acouch potato expert.

What will you choose?

Stay Strong, Be Unstoppable!

Gary Wagner

Wednesday, 30 January 2008

7 great ways to get old before your time

Hey Folks!

Welcome to countdown of the top 7 .....

For todays blog I'm going to take a different approach , heres the deal if you want to get old before your time follow these 7 tips & you'll be on your way in no time!

Not only will you be more fat than lean tissue, you'll be physically and mentally weaker, breathe shallow as a saucer, struggle to get out of bed not to mention each day and enjoy a greatly diminished sex drive (& ability), keen to hear more then read on;

The top 7 tips for people to be a person determined to drive their health into the ground:

7. Persistence and practice are key. Just like getting a fit, healthy mind & body requires action, so does ensuring your lean muscle tissue wastes away whilst fat takes it's place. It's not about letting yourself go but rather making the effort to do the 7 top things that massively unfit & unhealthy people do. This takes time and work to destroy your health but you can do it.

6. Don't breathe too deeply because you might activate some muscles, breathe even a little bit deeper during the few minutes you walk around each day to get oxygen into your system. Only shallow wheezy breathing is allowed.

5. Spend your leisure time in front of the tv, consoles & computers. Watch lots of sport because you're going to be in no shape to actually go out and play it socially with your friends and family. Live your adventures through these electronics it's a wonderful way to put your body on a downhill slide.

4. Eat all the wrong foods. And eat lots of them. Stuff your self so you feel sick to your stomach. Compulsive eating should be mastered if you are at all serious. Moderation is no way to stack on the pounds. You gotta commit to eating highly processed, high calorie, salt, sugar & fatty foods for as many oversized meals you possibly can. You can't just have a little bit once every so often or you'll never hit the BIG leagues.

3. Have a bad attitude about yourself, other people & life in general. Keep telling yourself that everything is going against you, if you go out on a sunny day prepare for rain, everytime you look in the mirror find a new fault & tell people about it. Negativity & moroseness is great for avoiding smile lines & increasing stress. Stress is a wonderful way to get fat, old and sick. If you feel down about yourself, don't think about the Truth that you're worthy; that you can keep moving forward despite setbacks, question what you find good about yourself & search for bad things.

2. Avoid moving if at all if possible: Take the elevator/travelator/escalator; drive whenever you can even if it's to get down the driveway to check your mailbox; use the drive-thru when going to any fast food restaurant or bottle-o. Lets ensure there is no physical activity in picking up your dinner & slab of beer/bottles of wine, lest you raise a slight sweat walking from your car to the counter.

1. It is paramount to use excuses to avoid exercise: You are just too busy or too tired to work out, so much so that all you can do is relax & watch tele or hop on the net for a few hours before bed. Repeat the excuse often enough so you actually start beleiving it.

If you're intrested in eroding your health, follow these 7 Top Tips and you'll be there before you know it. The truth is, it actually takes more work to do this than to get fit enough to avoid the above results.

If, on the other hand, you are a juggernaut someone who understands that you can progress past setbacks no matter what and who would rather become what they intended to be - a superb physical specimen, stronger, leaner, fitter & healthier - then get rid of the excuses. You can sign up with us at juggernautPT for Original Bootcamp, Personal Training, Kickboxing for Fitness or our New Online Training program, train with another Fitness Professional/company or or you can just commit to get yourself moving.

Whatever you do, do it regularly, train with focus & intensity, Stay Strong, Be Unstoppable!

It's your choice, what do you deserve?....

Gary Wagner

FYI: It is always amazing how many people in Australia (& the developed world) actually do follow these 7 tips daily. Unfortunately it's become all too common. Start on a new path & help turn the tide on the inactivity epidemic!

Tuesday, 29 January 2008

Goal & Sport specific programs for just 30cents a day!

JuggernautPT Online Training has arrived!

Get Fit, Lose Fat, Get Strong!

Want results based workouts, designed with your goals in mind! Want to have a step-by-step plan for your workouts without the added cost of a Personal trainer or to add variety to your cross training. Want to workout when you want, where you want and in the time you have!

You will be provided with goal or sports specific illustrated workouts that will progress as you do, as well as the tools to monitor your progress and keep challenging you onward to your next goal.

These highly effective workouts can give you the results you want! Whether you have no equipment, work out in a gym or anything inbetween!

You will also gain access to other bonuses exclusive to members of the JuggernautPT online community. All this for less than 30cents a day! (no, Really thats less than $2.15 a week!)

With a price to suit all budgets, no long term commitments and a quality of workout to suit the most discerning client, don't hesitate, get started today and start getting results! For further information, just click on a the "Buy Now" button and take advantage to get started


P.S To use the many online tools in the FREE Fitness Calculator just click on a banner!

Monday, 21 January 2008

2nd Annual Australia Day Bootcamp and Brekky

AUSTRALIA DAY BOOTCAMP AND BREKKY (Monday 28th Jan - Public Holiday!)

G'day Mate,

We are running our 2nd Bootcamp and Brekky session.

Session Details:
Date: MONDAY 28th Jan
Location: Como Oval North (Meet at Kanteen Cafe)
Time: 07:00hrs - Free Bootcamp Session, 08:00hrs - Brekky
Melway Ref: Map 2M ref D2

All past, present and future Original Bootcamp and juggernautPT recruits are welcome to attend both or either the session or just the brekky by the river.

Friends and family are more than welcome to both the session and brekky (although young kids will need to be supervised by someone not doing the session)

Brekky: we will have access to a BBQ nearby, we do ask that everyone brings a plate to contibute, we will be providing some weet-bix, milk, bread and snags. As well as essentials like dead horse (tomato sauce!) (Whats a BBQ without it!).

If you plan to attend please RSVP with numbers to so we can organise tucker and trainers for the session.

jPT February Newsletter-FREE TRIAL SESSIONS

Friday, 4 January 2008

Join the Revolution in 08 and see for yourself

JuggernautPT has established Original Bootcamp Programs in Melb CBD, North Carlton and South Yarra. To learn more, call us on 03 9826 6437 or email the Lead Instructor directly at